Links to Resources for Support and Information

Note: WAVES may stock some of these resources for distribution to the community.  Call us to find out what's available on 838 4834 or email our coordinator.


areyouok.PNGIt's Not OK Campaign Resources

View, download, or order pamphlets, posters and brochures from the Campaign here 


WRDWhite Ribbon

White Ribbon Day is 25 November.  This is an opportunity for men to stand up against violence towards women - show you're man enough to stop violence towards women, free resources and shop here



Blow_the_whistle.PNGBlow the Whistle Campaign

A community-driven campaign that uses the language of sport to encourage people living with violence to seek help.  Visit the website to find out how you can participate and where to obtain resources from, here.


e_tu_whanau.PNGE tu Whanau Ora Resources

Order or download posters and cards with empowering messages for whanau available here


The Whānau Ora Research website


The Whānau Ora Research website was launched on 23rd November by Rt Hon Tariana Turia. As Whānau Ora develops, Whānau Ora research, toolkits, resources and researchers as well as whānau success stories will be added to the Whānau Ora Research website. 

The Tangata Whenua Caucus of Community Research is developing the website in partnership with Te Puni Kōkiri.  Click here to go to 


Family Court Resources

Download or order resources about the Family Court processes here, some of these are available in multiiple languages including English, Maori, Pasifika languages, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Arabic, Somali and others:

  • Domestic Violence and the Law
  • Talking about Family Violence DVDs
  • Applying for a Protection Order
  • Parenting through Separation resources including DVDs


Child Protection Resources

Resources about child abuse and neglect are available from CYF and Child Matters.