WAVES Inter-agency Meetings


Every two months, WAVES hosts a meeting for the Waitakere family violence network. It's an opportunity for local service providers and others working with family or sexual violence to meet, hear and share news of what's happening in the sector, both locally and nationally.

Meetings are chaired by WAVES' coordinator and follow an agenda, opening with karakia and time for whakawhanaungatanga, introductions and networking, followed by various other items of relevance to the sector. These can include reports from WAVES staff (eg. regarding submissions or special projects), news of local events, guest speakers, and/or presentations on relevant issues.

For more information, or if there's an item you'd like to suggest for the agenda, please feel free to contact Charlotte, coordinator@waves.org.nz

Minutes from Previous Meetings

2013 2012
3 December 2013 04 December 2012
15 October 2013
07 August 2012
11 June 2013
05 June 2012
9 April 2013
03 April 2012
12 February 2013 07 February 2012