
From time to time WAVES Trust undertakes projects to support and improve the family violence sector's capacity to respond to its clients. 

These projects vary in scope, they may be specific to one service provider or very generally focused on the impact of policy and legislation across the family violence sector.

Some recent projects include:

Workshops to support service providers' work with Japanese and Korean, Middle Eastern, and Fijian Indian clients were conducted in 2012.  Blossom.PNGThese were developed in collaboration with Auckland Council, Settling In and Settlement Support, Waitakere Taskforce on Family Violence, MSD, the Waitakere Indian Association, NZESS, and Auckland DHB.

Interested in a Project?

If you have a project you would like WAVES to look at, if you would like to know more about one of our projects or think you could contribute, please contact us using the email box below:

Projects Enquiry

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