2012 SubmissionsMSD: Green Paper on Vulnerable Children (28 February 2012) Our submission supported the implementation of a Children’s Act providing for a Children’s Action Plan that sets goals for improving the wellbeing of all children in New Zealand. We advanced the view that the primary goal of any policy/practice changes under that Act/Plan must be to provide primary prevention and early intervention strategies to reduce the numbers of children experiencing harm and to respond better to children and families identified as at risk in order to reduce cumulative harms to children. A Plan should include efforts to reduce child poverty, principles of UNCROC and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, cross-portfolio and cross-party commitments to addressing the needs of children, support for inter-agency and inter-sector collaboration on matters relating to children, professional development of the workforce for children and families, development of educational and service quality standards. UNICEF included our submission in its Community/NGO Briefing Paper on 80 Green Paper submissions: UNICEF Briefing Paper Ministry of Justice: Family Court Review (28 February 2012) A wide ranging submission responding to most of the issues raised by the Review document in relation to the needs of children whose parents make applications to the Court and the needs of victims, their children and perpetrators of FV in proceedings related to the Domestic Violence Act and Care of Children Act. The submission encourages the Ministry to limit its changes to those that will improve outcomes for children and their families. Maori Affairs Select Committee: Determinants of Wellbeing for Maori Children (16 March 2012) Highlighting the extreme need for reform of aspects of social and economic policy and social service delivery to support Maori parents and reduce child poverty. Supporting development of a Children’s Act and Children’s Action Plan that incorporates Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles and a framework for Maori cultural interpretations of wellbeing. Justice & Electoral Select Committee: Privacy (Information Sharing) Bill (23 Generally supportive of the Bill but requesting Ministers’ be aware of second tier referrals within the NGO sector and to ensure that information-sharing agreements are robust enough to ensure timely and adequate information-sharing down the chain. Auckland Council: Long Term Plan (23 March 2012) The need for Council to formalise its relationship with Family Violence networks and services regionally to ensure good quality information and advice is received, that Council actions rest within a wider coordinated community response to family violence and include relationships with networks in the LTP. Law Commission: Alternative Trial Processes (27 April 2012) Supportive of the proposals provided that specialist training for Judges was undertaken before any changes were implemented that gave more power to Judges to decide the outcomes of trials. These processes would also work well for family violence court cases. Health Select Committee: Inquiry into preventing child abuse and improving children’s health outcomes (4 May 2012) We argued that the inquiry should consider other current inquiries underway including the Green Paper process, the Family Court Review and the Inquiry into the Determinants of Wellbeing for Maori Children and utilise the resources that Government currently has to answer the questions posed. Commerce Select Committee: Gambling (Gambling Harm Reduction) Amendment BIll (21 June 2012) WAVES supported the provisions of the Bill relating to gambling harm reduction and requested that it be amended to ensure that a proportion of monies distributed from gambling proceeds went to harm reduction programmes/activities. We also recommended that all pokie machines (including those in casinos) be subject to the same licencing, income distribution and harm reduction conditions as those under class 4 licences. Recognising our conflict of interest relating to community distribution trusts we chose not to comment on those provisions of the Bill. Local Government and Environment Select Committee: Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill (26 July 2012) WAVES argued that the Bill does not support existing government initiatives promoted through the It's Not OK Campaign around coordinated community action which provides a role for local government in violence prevention initiatives. We requested the Bill be withdrawn or at the very least redrafted in accordance with the DIA Regulatory Impact Statement, which acknowledges the lack of evidential basis for the provisions and the potential for unforeseen consequences requiring additional legislation. Office of the Children's Commissioner's Expert Advisory Group on Child Poverty (12 October 2012) WAVES supported the work of the Expert Advisory Group and highlighted the need for family violence perspectives to be incorporated into activities to reduce child poverty. |