How Are YOU? Kei te pehea koe?
Designed for children aged from 7 years old through to teenagers, the card provides free-phone numbers and website addresses for What's Up and Kidsline support lines for children and young people. Originally used by Everyday Theatre as a resource to provide ongoing support to intermediate-aged children, these 'Jack' cards as they have become known have proved enormously successful. Kids love that the card looks and feels like a bankcard, is easy to carry around, discrete and durable. WAVES in conjunction with the Waitakere Taskforce on Family Violence has provided cards and training on their distibution to Waitakere police: encouraging police to sight children present at family violence callouts, ask if they are okay, and pass the cards to children as a way of resourcing children into the future. If you want to know more about Jack Cards and find out if your service could use them, contact WAVES Manager. |