Sport and Violence Against Women
Room AG127, AUT University North Shore Campus - AUT University North Shore Campus, 90 Akoranga Drive, Northcote, Auckland
Dr Rhoda Scherman and Christine Cowan-James will present this seminar.
International research has highlighted a positive correlation between major sporting events such as the Olympic Games or global tournaments, and violence against women. New Zealand recently hosted the Rugby World Cup and concerns were raised at the time of a potential increase in violence against women. To ascertain whether such a relationship exists in a New Zealand context, a pilot study has been initiated that examines the association between violence against women (both intimate partner and stranger violence) and sporting outcomes (wins versus losses). Aggregated data has been sought from the New Zealand Police and other agencies that support women who have experienced violence. As the data comes in, it is being analysed to determine significant trends in relation to Rugby World Cup matches and recorded incidences of violence against women. An increased understanding of this correlation, whether supported or refuted, has implications for resource allocation associated with hosting international sporting events and the safety of women.