Youth Law News

February 19, 2014 at 1:16 PM

Youth Law has much to offer and share with us on their work in 2014. This ranges from Legal Education, legal assistance to school suspension trainings  for the community.


If you can volunteer, contact them also.


This newsletter has more interesting other ways you can be updated on or even work with or alongside the Youth Law Centre.

In this Issue:
Legal Education Update
Call for Volunteers
School Disciplinary Procedures Pamphlet
Law in Context: Public Outrage over drunk 9 year old 
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Legal Education Update

Tena koutou katoa,

The legal education team has lots coming up over the next few months!

Auckland Education Forum
On March 6th 2014, YouthLaw will be hosting a one day education forum focusing on s14 of the Education Act as well as new search & seizure legislation from the Education Amendment Act (2013). We have passionate education and legal specialists sharing their extensive knowledge on this area. For more details  contact

Numbers are limited so please RSVP by Friday 28 Feb to There is a small charge of $20 to cover catering costs.

Mangere CLC Law in a Nutshell
Manawa & Alex will be presenting at the Law in a Nutshell education series hosted by the whanau at Mangere Community Law Centre.  As the name suggests, the series covers almost all aspects of the law for attendee’s over 8 weeks. We will be presenting on Education Law & Rights and the Youth Justice system. For more information about attending, please contact Pani Chamberlin- 09 275 4310

The THRIVE Guide
The THRIVE Guide is a comprehensive education programme aimed at school leavers to empower them in their transition from school to the big, wide world. This sessions will include need-to-know legal information about this important time, including:
  • Flatting, tenancy, relationship property
  • Consumer Law- HP, returns, Consumer Guarantees Act (1993)
  • Employment Law & Rights
  • Social safety- sexual consent, alcohol laws, Misuse of Drugs Act (1961)
 For legal education bookings, questions or queries please contact either Alex or 
Call For Volunteers!

Our summer intake for volunteers is coming to a close and we are looking for volunteers who can help out with the following projects:

Legal Assistance: Assist with answering phone calls, legal research, client interviews, and assisting lawyers.
  • Suitable for law students and graduates.
  • On-site
  • On-going and regular but flexible with time.
  • 3 hours per week (minimum)
Law Related Education (LRE): Assist and/or provide the law related education sessions with/without the LRE coordinator. Deal with young people and/or people dealing with young people. Provide legal information to young and vulnerable people.
  • Suitable for law, education and social work students.
  • Off-site (training on-site)
  • Training.
  • 3-5 hours (including training); on-call roster.
  • Some legal/education knowledge.
  • Regular
Education Advocate: Advocating for young students and parents with Board Trustee Meetings where young students have been suspended from school.
  • Suitable for law, education and social work students.
  • Off-site (training on-site)
  • Training.
  • 3-5 hours (including training); on-call roster.
  • Legal knowledge in Education law.
Social Media: Planning, developing, monitoring and managing social media strategies such as apps, website, facebook, twitter etc.
  • Suitable for computer science, web/app design and law students.
  • On and/or Off-site.
  • Volunteer hours will be arranged; on-call roster.
  • Ability to develop and design apps/website; Attention to detail; Research skills.
If you are interested, contact Sidra on 

School Disciplinary Procedures Pamphlet

Shortly YouthLaw will be publishing an information pamphlet entitled “School Disciplinary Procedures: Stand-downs, Suspensions, Exclusions and Expulsionsâ€. This is the first in a series of information pamphlets for parents and supporters of young people, to help them understand their children’s rights in a school context.

This pamphlet includes basic information on stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions – what they are and the processes thatt are involved.

Please get in touch with YouthLaw if you would like copies of this pamphlet.

Here is a sneak preview of an excerpt from the pamphlet:

Law in context: Public outrage over drunk 9 year old  

Changes to alcohol laws which came into play late last year were closely followed by a troubling news story of a very young boy found heavily intoxicated at a Hamilton skate park after being supplied alcohol by another adult known to the boy. Understandably, people around the country (and the world) were outraged which was only intensified by new legislation which would punish adults who provided alcohol to minors. Just to recap, the new drinking rules the changes include:
  • requiring anyone who supplies alcohol to under 18-year-olds to do so responsibly
  • requiring express consent of a parent or guardian before supplying alcohol to a minor
  • Up to $2,000 fine for supplying alcohol without express consent or supplying irresponsibly
  • Police officers will be able to issue alcohol infringement notices for a range of new offences, including breach of local alcohol bans, lending ID to an under-18-year-old, and presenting a fake ID ($250 per offence).
  • Police throughout New Zealand will use an "alcohol assessment tool" to assess whether a person is merely under the influence of alcohol or "intoxicated" as defined in the act.
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Category: Community Notices