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Workshops: Responding to Youth Suicide
April 18, 2019 at 1:50 PM
Grow is hosting a series of workshops about youth suicide delivered by Dr Jonathan Singer.
Lives Worth Living: Youth Suicide in 2019
This powerful workshop provides a practical and up to date assessment of what we know about youth suicide in 2019 by one of the world's leading commentators and advisers on preventing youth suicide.
Not only will participants learn about current theories of suicide and how those theories inform how we work with suicidal youth, it will cover upstream prevention and the idea that we can save lives by identifying intervention moments before a suicide attempt or death. This is particularly relevant whilst working with students and young adults and the workshop will include discussion around the effective use of Social Media and online technologies to better engage with young people.
If you are working with young people who may be depressed, anxious or considering suicide this workshop will provide you with insight and practical tools that have the potential to save lives.
Wednesday 15 May
Jet Park Airport Hotel & Conference Centre
63 Westney Rd
Mangere, Auckland
Click here for more information and to register
Suicide in Schools: Prevention Assessment, Intervention and Postvention
Schools are an ideal location to identify and respond to suicide risk. Because of the tension between the school’s educational mission and the socio-emotional demands of addressing suicide risk, school counselors often find themselves addressing suicidal crises without clear institutional guidance and support. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an overview of school-based prevention, assessment, intervention and postvention.
In the first half of the day we will discuss a multisystemic framework for understanding a suicidal crisis; the role of the school and school personnel in identifying and responding to student suicide risk; identifying suicide risk factors, protective factors, warning signs, and resilience; and the steps in developing a school crisis response plan with a specific focus on the special situation of a suicidal crisis. We will end the first half reviewing current suicide prevention programs and discussing the state of the evidence.
The second half of the day will review suicide assessment and intervention in a suicidal crisis. We will discuss the purpose and use of a screening tool, risk assessment tool, safety planning tool, and a suicide risk monitoring tool. We will review techniques for eliciting suicidal ideation and intent. Because youth suicidal crises always involve parents/guardians, we will discuss counseling techniques from Attachment-Based Family Therapy (the only family therapy designed to reduce suicidal ideation in youth), and how to respond to parents after telling them that you assessed their child for suicide risk. We will end the day by reviewing postvention. How to respond in the first 24 hours, and the days and months after a suicide death. The workshop will include information about adolescent development, technology and social media, the science of suicide, and suicide prevention resources.
Thursday 16 May
Jet Park Airport Hotel & Conference Centre
63 Westney Rd
Mangere, Auckland
Click here for more information and to register
Suicide and Technology: Tomorrow’s Tools to Reduce Suicide
Identifying, managing and responding to suicide risk in 2019 requires an understanding of the role of technology. This workshop will engage service providers in a thought-provoking discussion about websites, apps, and technologies that are used to increase and decrease suicide youth risk. We will talk about how and when social media use might increase the likelihood that youth will try to end their lives, and how social media can be used to increase connection and reduce suicide risk. This workshop will include content on technology advances that have not yet, but will likely influence clinical standards for suicide prevention, intervention and postvention in the next decade.
Friday 17 May
Jet Park Airport Hotel & Conference Centre
63 Westney Rd
Mangere, Auckland
Click here for more information and to register