Workshop: Supporting Adolescents who have Experienced Sexual Harm

April 05, 2019 at 11:31 AM

From Te Puaruruhau Child Protection Community Educators

Date: Friday 17th May 2019

Venue: Auckland City Hospital

Cost: Free

Topics include: Sexual exploitation, trauma informed practice, tikanga Māori, managing disclosures & therapeutic support services. The day also includes a workshop on how to manage disclosures of sexual abuse and how to consult and make onward referrals for further support. The day ends with a professional panel to answer your questions with multidisciplinary representatives from Health, Police, Oranga Tamariki and SHINE.

To register please complete the registration form linked below. Numbers are strictly limited.

For further information please contact the Te Puaruruhau Child Protection Community Educators at or (09) 307 2860.


Category: Training