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Workshop: Family violence and the Family Court
September 08, 2017 at 8:41 AM
*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*
Where & When:
Wellington, Thursday 12 October 2017, 9am-4pm.
Mercure Abel Tasman Hotel, 169 Willis Street, Wellington
Auckland, Tuesday 17 October 2017, 9am-4pm
Parnell Trust, Jubilee Building, 545 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland
Christchurch, Wednesday 18 October 2017, 9am-4pm
COCA Gallery, 66 Gloucester Street, Christchurch
Hosted by The New Zealand Psychological Society.
Cost: NZPsS member - Free; NZPsS non-member - $200. Register now
Intimate partner violence (IPV) and family violence in New Zealand continues to be one of the highest among OECD countries. Women with children are in a particular bind, especially when it comes to the legal system. Research shows women who leave violent relationships are often at much greater risk of serious harm (such as homicide or harm to their children) than staying in the relationship. The Family Court is charged with the protection of children and women in violent relationships through protection orders, parenting orders and custody agreements once the couple has separated. Unfortunately, the Family Court can become the avenue for abusive partners to continue their psychological abuse/power and control over their victims even after the relationship ends. Or the court uplifts children from women in violent relationships, due to “failure to protect”, if she stays with her partner.
Psychologists play a key role in the Family Court through their specialist reports.This workshop is designed to assist psychologists to adequately address and understand IPV and the dynamics of power and control. Research has shown that psychologists need to have a comprehensive understanding of the underlying psychological abuse in IPV and be aware of the risks to the victim even after the relationship ends.
This workshop is designed for all mental health workers and psychologists but especially those working with the Family Court or with families who experience IPV. Given the high rates of family violence in New Zealand (1 in 3 women experience IPV in their lifetime or 55% when psychological/emotional abuse is included), it is essential for all psychologists to have a thorough understanding of IPV and its impact on their clients.
Presenters: Dr Ruth Gammon and Angela Chaney
See flyer for information about the presenters, programme details and registration form (or register online).