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Workshop: Developing a personal leadership philosophy
January 29, 2015 at 10:05 AM
Date: 17th February 2015
Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm
Place: Waitakere Community Resource Centre, 8 Ratanui St, Henderson
Cost: $45.00pp incl gst
Contemporary international leadership studies and literature clearly point to effective leaders as having a keen understanding of who they are as leaders and what their leadership approach is. Having this self-awareness provides a sound platform for coherent decision making and contributes to building of trust. Based on the principle that every one of us experiences leadership responsibilities in our families, communities and organisations, this session is for both emerging and established leaders.
Participants will be provided with an opportunity to explore what a leadership philosophy is and will be introduced to and use a range of tools and templates to develop a personal leadership philosophy.
Topics will include:
- A brief history of leadership thought
- How personal values impact on leadership
- Leading with the end in mind
- Developing and practicing a leadership philosophy
Facilitator: Sandy Thompson
Sandy Thompson is a not for profit management and leadership lecturer at Unitec. She has a number of years of experience working in the community sector teaching and mentoring community and organisation leaders.
Numbers are limited. Book now to avoid disappointment.
To book contact Mandy Spencer on or 09 838 7903