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Working with Parent's Anger
February 11, 2016 at 2:41 PM
Working With Parents' Anger. Stage One: Taking the heat off the child - Training workshop - 12-13 May 2016
*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*
When: 12-13 May 2016, 9am - 5pm
Where: Mercy Spirituality Centre, Te Ngakau Waiora, 104 The Drive, Epsom, Auckland
Training provider: Kairos Development
Cost: $250. Download flier to register (PDF, 728 KB) Places limited
This is a two day training workshop for practitioners working with parents and families.
Cushla Clark and Selina Reid offer this training workshop to health and social service professionals to develop and expand abilities to work effectively with parents’ anger and harmful behaviour toward children.
Workshop content
Working with parents whose anger harms their children can be challenging and distressing. Understanding anger and how to work with it assists us to know how to intervene effectively to take the heat off the child while supporting parents’ development. This workshop offers a systemic perspective on both parent-child dynamics and our own practice. You will gain insight and skills to assist parents to manage and resolve anger towards their children. There will be opportunities to gain awareness of your own responses to anger and the effect of these responses on your work.
Training methodology
This workshop combines theory and practice utilizing a range of experiential methods and teaching. Learning occurs in an environment of confidentiality, acceptance and open enquiry. Participants are encouraged to bring challenges from current work situations.
The workshop is suitable for a wide range of professionals who work with parents and families. This includes those in community services, health, welfare, social development, education, corrections and justice sectors.
Download flier to register (PDF, 728 KB)
For more information, contact: