Women’s Centre Waitakere: Upcoming Courses

June 29, 2017 at 4:22 PM

Dealing with those difficult emotions

Working with anger Monday  24/07/17  10.15 – 11.45  Six weekly sessions.  $5 per session.

Ph.  838 6381 for more info. www.womenscentre.org.nz


Women’s Centre Waitakere   

Change, Growth, Transformation

Breaking the cycle of unhealthy relationships   Women’s Centre Waitakere Tuesday 08/08/17    9:30 to 11.00am

No cost involved.  For six weekly sessions.

Ph.  838 6381 for more info. www.womenscentre.org.nz


Friendship Group

This is fun friendship group while you learn to do different things each week. Gold Coin donation.

Women’s Centre Waitakere  every Wednesday   11:30 to 1pm

Ph.  838 6381 for more info. www.womenscentre.org.nz


Clothes Line

Clothing Day Thursday 9.30 – 3.30

Come and grab a plastic shopping bag of Women’s Clothing

Size 8 – 22

Koha would be appreciated.

Category: Service