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Women's Centre Waitakere Term Two Programmes
April 02, 2015 at 8:34 AM
The Women’s Centre, Waitakere is a community-based women’s agency, which has been operating since 1983 and was granted Legal Status as a Charitable Trust in 1989.
The Centre , is an accessible place for all women and children in West and greater Auckland, which values the choices and changes women wish to make for themselves.
Women who use the Centre are empowered through information, skills and resource sharing to exercise more control over their lives and make better informed choices with regard to the issues they face. The Centre provides a safe environment for women (and their children) who access their services, with emphasis on supporting women with a variety of issues including family violence.
The Women’s Centre works under the following principles:
- Recognise the power sharing partnership principles stated in the Treaty of Waitangi as guide to work undertaken.
- Recognise that women have their own social, cultural, political and financial rights as individuals.
- That woman have the right to control their own health care through being able to make their own choices.
- That the service and support provided focuses on a holistic approach to women’s well being.
- Recognize cultural diversity of society in New Zealand and the right of all women to participate on their own cultural terms.
Check out their Term Two programmes here or find out more about individual counselling options here.