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What are the Important dates for COGS Funding in 2018?
April 20, 2018 at 11:31 AM
*From the Community Waitakere Noticeboard*
The Department of Internal Affairs administers COGS and supports its elected voluntary governing body, the National COGS Committee.
Ngā Hua / Outcomes
Organisations requesting COGS grants need to show how their community-based services or projects will contribute to:
- encouraging participation in communities
- promoting community leadership
- developing community capability
- promoting social, economic and cultural equity, or
- reducing the downstream social and economic costs to communities and government.
Each local Local Distribution Committee (LDC) also develops community outcomes they see as having priority from discussions at annual public meetings where communities are able to discuss what local benefits or outcomes they want from the COGS investment in their communities. These LDC outcome priorities are below.
Ngā kaupapa matua / Priorities
COGS committees prioritise community-based organisations delivering services to one or more of these priority sectors:
- Māori
- women
- Pacific communities
- other ethnic communities
- older people
- rurally isolated people
- people with disabilities
- families
- youth and children
- unemployed people
- community-based organisations with limited access to other government funding
Important dates for COGS
2018 COGS funding round opens: Wednesday 11 Apr 2018.
When does the next COGS funding round close? Wednesday 23 May 2018.
The closing date for COGS grant requests is the same for all 37 local COGS committees each year. Due to the demand for COGS grants, please submit your COGS requests well before the closing date.
Click here to find out more.