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Weekly Media Roundup
February 02, 2017 at 10:53 AM
Big boost for police in PM's first major speech of the year as English aims to 'address dysfunction'
Bill English has announced a $503 million crime-fighting package including a boost to police numbers in his first major speech of the year as Prime Minister.
Police will get 1125 extra staff over four years, including 880 extra sworn police officers.
"Evidence tells us that if we want to reduce offending we need to address the underlying drivers of dysfunction rather than just respond to all the symptoms," he told the Auckland Rotary at Auckland's Stamford Plaza Hotel.
Indefinite sentence sought for Cue Xiu Tian's murderer
The Crown will seek an indefinite sentence for the man who has admitted sexually violating a 69-year-old woman in her home before murdering her.
Family members found Cun Xiu Tian dead in her Te Atatu house in January 2016.
Jaden Lee Stroobant, 19, also from Te Atatu, has pleaded guilty in the High Court in Auckland to one charge of murder and two of sexual violation in relation to her death.
Judge's ruling on intimate online photos criticised
A sexual abuse help group says the judge got it wrong when he ruled in favour of a man who posted photos of his half naked wife on Facebook.
The judge dismissed the charge against the man who was accused of causing harm to his wife under the new Harmful Digital Communications Act.
The police are appealing the decision.
Gay people are more likely to be victims of revenge porn, study finds
In the age of sexy selfies, many people send nude or near-nude pictures of themselves as part of the modern dating game.
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Which, according to a study by the US's Data & Society Research Institute and the Centre for Innovative Public Health Research, is more likely to happen to gay people than heterosexuals among online dating communities.
Girls, 9 and 10, die suddenly
As the summer school holidays drew to a close, two young girls, aged 9 and 10 are believed to have taken their lives in unrelated incidents.
A 10-year-old Auckland child died by apparent suicide at her home in Swanson, west Auckland, on Friday.
The Massey Primary School student's death has been referred to the coroner for investigation.
Prominent businessman's son jailed for a year for punching, strangling partner
A member of one of the Waikato's richest and best-known families has been jailed for a year for a series of assaults on his partner, during which he punched her in the head and choked her.
Tony Neil Gallagher, 42, was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment when he appeared in the Hamilton District Court on Wednesday, on a charge of injuring with intent to injure.
Slain Australian mother Teresa Bradford was trying to 'provide a good life' for her kids
Teresa Bradford's Facebook profile is mostly upbeat, full of cheeky selfies.
The Australian mother's social media presence also shows a woman who loved horses and her cats, and felt strongly about community safety.
Her latest profile picture - a black background with the words "closed for spiritual maintenance" - may give some insight into how she was trying to cope with a difficult set of circumstances.
Twelve questions with Ranjna Patel
Since opening their first GP practice in Otara, Ranjna Patel and her husband Kanti have built New Zealand’s largest independent primary healthcare group. But the Deloitte Top 200 Visionary Leader is proudest of her work in reducing domestic violence.
Mental health services inquiry shows 'deep problems'
A report on Wellington's mental health services highlights flaws in the system for the whole country, the Mental Health Foundation's chief executive says.
A review of the region's mental health services was set up after five mental health patients were involved in attacks, four of them fatal, between 2015 and the end of March 2016.
The review found specific problems in each case, and identified that in at least one of them no psychiatric assessment was carried out.
Russian lawmakers decriminalize some domestic violence
Soon it will no longer be a crime in Russia to beat family members as long as you don't cause bodily harm.
The lower house of the Russian parliament on Friday gave final approval to a bill decriminalizing some forms of domestic violence a move that has sparked intense public debate.
More women reporting domestic violence in Marshall Islands
More women in the Marshall Islands are reporting domestic violence thanks to a new process for requesting temporary protection orders against abusive spouses or partners.
As recently as 2014 not a single protection order was sought but since the introduction of the new process this jumped to 10 in 2015 and rose to 12 in 2016, with two cases already reported this year.
Evil 8 accused of abusing a young girl while father watched
They met through Craigslist.
A handful of men who didn't know each other and who ultimately became part of a group now known as the Evil 8.
One of the ads was placed by the father of a now 14-year-old girl. In the ad he described himself as a "lonely single parent looking for friendship".