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Weekly Media Roundup
June 05, 2014 at 10:55 AM
Ishrat Malik Pleads Not Guilty to the murders of Rana and Sidra Malik:
Ishrat Malik appeared in the High Court Yesterday where a plea of not guilty was entered on his behalf. A pychiatrist has been employed by Malik's lawyer to determine his fitness to stand trial.
Mental fitness of man accused of killing wife and daughter to be assessed.
This tragic case has sad parallels with another case in Wellington, in which a taxi driver has been found guilty of killing his wife while on bail for breaching a protection order. Rajeshwar Sing was sentenced this morning to 16 years in jail.
Man killed wife while on bail for breaching protection order
Verbal abuse of children should be an offence:
Detective Sergeant David Beattie of New Plymouth is fronting a call for legislation that recognises psychological abuse as an offence. THis type of abuse was often worse than physical violence and had longer lasting implications for victims.
Verbal abuse of kids an offence
Turia represents NZ at Global Summit of women in Paris:
The Hon. Tariana Turia will represent New Zealand at the 2014 Global Summit of Women in Paris and at the United Nations on Disability Issues. Turia will attend a series of meetings with representatives from Government and the community in areas of housing, inequality and family violence prevention.
Turia represents NZ at Global Summit of women in Paris
Domestic Violence Funds Misdirected:
The Government is paying $500,000 to extend a programme aimed at keeping families at risk of domestic abuse safe in their homes, however, the idea has been met with a mixed response in Manawatu.
Domestic abuse funding 'misdirected'
Don't be an egg!
Rugby League Northland is sending out a strong message that sideline abuse is not OK! They have launched a new campaign “Don’t be an Egg”.
Check out the video here.
Feminine storm names create less urgency:
Finally, as if we needed any further evidence that gender equality has a ways to go yet, check out this article which suggests that people take warnings about storms with feminine names less seriously than those with masculine names. Be warned, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...(or not taken seriously!)
Feminine storm names create less urgency: research