Weekly Media Roundup

May 22, 2014 at 11:13 AM

Another big week in the media...

Roast Busters Report Released:

A review of police handling of publicity around the Roast Busters has found police mislead the public, but not intentionally.

Police Criticised over Roast Busters Communication

Roast Busters Report Released


Police to Introduce User Pays for Police Checks:

Police will soon make a step towards "user pays" by charging for criminal checks for the first time.

Free police background checks to be scrapped


Family Violence Stats:

Accessing statistics around the issue of family violence continues to be a challenge, with Women's Refuge and the Green Party accusing the Polie of deliberately witholding statistics.

Domestic Violence Stats Buried


World Bank has reported that over 700 million women are subjected to physical and sexual violence from their partners.

Over 700 million women subjected to domestic violence - report


The Budget as you have never seen it before:

This neat interactive graphic enables you to see the areas of government expenditure in terms of the proportion spent in particular areas, as well as which areas have increased and descreased.

The Budget as you have never seen it

Category: News Media