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Weekly Media Roundup
September 04, 2014 at 11:46 AM
March on Parliament to protest domestic and sexual violence:
Several social service providers from across the country have come together to call for an end to the epidemic level of domestic and sexual violence in New Zealand. TH egrowing momentum for action to end New ZEaland's shame of sexual and domestic violence is to culminate in a march on parliament on Monday 15 September.
NZ Driving me out: Owen Glenn:
Sir Owen Glenn has become so disillusioned with New Zealand he plans to close his foundation and concentrate his charitable efforts overseas.
See also the Herald editorial response...
Women's Place is in Cabinet":
Having a minister for Women's Affairs outside of cabinet "lowers the status" of gender equality, the National Council of Women says. The council is calling on the next government to show it is serious about addressing inequality by giving the Minister a seat at the cabinet table.
Student's dramatic stand on rape: