Weekly Media Roundup

October 19, 2018 at 11:17 AM

Social agencies may be forced to shut their doors as wage gap sees social workers leave for government jobs

Social agencies working with the country's most vulnerable are warning they may be forced to shut as social workers leave for better-paid jobs with the Government.

They say a recent pay equity settlement will fuel the crisis, widening the wage gap by up to 50 per cent.

One of Auckland's oldest charities, Anglican Trust for Women and Children (ATWC), offers support like parenting classes to 3,000 families.

One mother told 1 NEWS she wouldn't have had her child without the support of ATWC. But in the last year, the organisation has lost 47 staff - over one third of their team.

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Reproductive coercion - the silent abuse

Anne's* controlling partner was so intent on getting her pregnant he tossed her contraceptive pills in the rubbish. In her desperate attempt to avoid pregnancy, she secretly visited her doctor to have an IUD fitted.

"It was fine for a while until he discovered it. He then forcefully ripped it out of me. Once I fell pregnant, he refused to let me have an abortion," she says.

Anne managed to escape from her violent partner. But in the muted world of partner violence, many are suffering in silence.

Because Anne's story is not unique.

Her voice is just one of many describing violent and sinister abuse in a report by Women's Refuge and Family Planning released today. 

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Reproductive coercion report shows tragic reality of abuse

Press Release: Family Planning

Women’s Refuge has published New Zealand’s first ever report on reproductive coercion and Family Planning says the courage of the women who responded to the study needs to be met with an equally courageous response from agencies working in the sector – and more broadly.

Family Planning Chief Executive Jackie Edmond says “The findings of this important research give all of us a glimpse at the extent of reproductive coercion happening behind closed doors in our country and its impact on the health and wellbeing of women.”

“This report is a must-read for everyone who works in health and for the government – so we can all look at our processes and practices to see what more we can do for women impacted in this way. I want it to be read too by parents and teachers so that it informs the relationships and sexuality education our young people are getting. We need to be working on this issue on all fronts - through prevention, intervention and protection."

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Editorial: New report emphasises need for co-ordinated approach

Revulsion, disgust, anger.

Those are all emotions that should be stirred by reading some of the accounts contained in a report by Women's Refuge and Family Planning released on Monday.

The sometimes sinister, sometimes brutal, invariably frightening accounts are contained in responses to a survey on the practice of reproductive coercion, a form of intimate partner violence where one partner, almost invariably a man, tries to undermine the reproductive autonomy of the other, through methods such as controlling access to contraceptives and abortions, sabotaging birth control methods, and pressuring them to  get pregnant.

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On the outside: Life after prison

If you serve time in jail there is a nearly one in three chance that you’ll end up back behind bars in the first year after release. For RNZ’s Insight, Leigh-Marama McLachlan speaks to former prisoners trying to build a life outside the gates.

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Refuge boss says extreme violence of 'Once Were Warriors' story can impact on abuse victims' decision to seek help

It opened the public's eyes to domestic violence but a famous Kiwi film could be hindering abuse victims from getting help. 

The brutal bashings Jake Heke meted out to his wife Beth in the acclaimed 1994 movie Once Were Warriors are still referenced by people as a way to describe their childhood experiences of abuse.

But while the film raised awareness about the nation's problem with family violence, the boss of Women's Refuge Dr Ang Jury said it sometimes prevented people from seeking help.

She said the extreme force used in violent relationships, which resulted in serious injury and even death, doesn't come from nowhere.

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Lack of child protection policies in schools a 'nation-wide failure', parent says

Up to a quarter of schools might not have a child protection policy - despite it being required by law.

Auckland parent Regan Cunliffe has found that between 3.3 and 27 per cent of schools do not have such a child protection policy (CPP) currently in place. 

In May this number was between 10 and 62 per cent - four years after the Vulnerable Children Act 2014, and when the father of four started asking questions.



Protecting domestic violence victims

Police are called to attend domestic violence incidents every four minutes in New Zealand.

And according to ChangeAbility manager Jeremy Logan, there are about 20 to 30 domestic violence callouts each week in Wairarapa.

Logan was one of four panellists in a discussion about the recently passed Domestic Violence – Victims’ Protection Bill last Friday night in Masterton.

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MP Golriz Ghahraman's 'first love' threatened her life

OPINION: This week I suddenly found myself for the first time identifying publicly as an abuse victim, with all the backlash, disbelief, and belittlement that comes with that.

Ironically this came about when I spoke about abuse during filming of a documentary commemorating Women's Suffrage.

Serendipitously, filming covered the day Parliament passed Jan Logie's ground-breaking Domestic Violence Protection of Victims Bill.

The reason I felt it was important and safe to speak about my experience of abuse when Vice NZ filmmakers asked me about it, was that I was infinitely excited about Jan's achievement.

To me, what we were about to do was the ideal of law-making "for the affected community, by the affected community".

But a moment after I described my experience of abuse, I imagined the headline and the hateful comments. I knew instantly that I would be accused of seeking undeserved victimhood, of lying, even told that I deserved what I got.

Because as women, we know that our abuse is often seen as a personal burden that we should bear silently.

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Methamphetamine turned my beautiful, caring sister into a monster

My sister had no power to warm her home, no money or food to feed her children, and her landlord was in the process of kicking her out after months of not paying rent - it was finally time to call Oranga Tamariki.

She rang me asking for money, a phone call that I’ve answered and stupidly obliged to so many times before. In the middle of her pleading she broke off to swear at my 6-year-old nephew, telling him to shut the f... up as if he was garbage.

It was then that I knew I had to do something because my niece and nephew deserved better. My sister couldn’t provide the basics for them anymore - warmth, food, shelter, stability, love and care, everything a child deserves. They were suffering.

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More voices call for wider inquiry

Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull and Catholic Bishop Michael Dooley have added their voices to fresh calls for an expanded Royal Commission that includes faith-based victims of sexual abuse.

The calls came as about 30 survivors, supporters and representatives from the Catholic Diocese of Dunedin - including Bishop Dooley - gathered on the steps of St Joseph's Cathedral yesterday.

They fell silent to remember victims of clerical abuse who had taken their own lives, then tied coloured ribbons to the cathedral gates to show support for survivors.

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Life with minimum of 17 years for father who killed infant daughter

A Turangi father who murdered his 'defenceless' baby will spend at least 17 years in jail.

Donovan Michael Duff, 42, was sentenced to life imprisonment, with a minimum parole period of 17 years, at the High Court in Rotorua on Thursday on one charge of murder relating to the death of his nine-month-old daughter Maija​ Puhi-Duff in Turangi in 2016.

He had always maintained his innocence but, after hour hours of deliberations, a jury delivered a unanimous guilty verdict at his trial in June. 



Jury retires to consider verdict in Alisio Taimo sex abuse trial

After nine weeks of evidence the jury in the trial of Alosio Taimo has begun deliberating whether the former rugby coach is guilty of 106 charges relating to the sexual offending against boys and teenagers. 

Some of the charges date back to the 1980s, and include alleged offending against 18 male complainants. 

The alleged offences took place at Taimo's home, in his car, in school sports sheds, in a classroom and in a park.

At the beginning of the trial, Taimo faced 83 charges but over the course of the trial 24 more charges were laid. 



Teen rapist forced victim to wipe windows clean before leaving

After raping a young woman in front of her daughter, a Hamilton teenager then made her wipe down the windows to get rid of his fingerprints.

Lorenz Shannyn Mekuli broke into the woman's house through a window which had been left ajar about 7am on April 7, this year.

After rummaging through her handbag, he went into the 23-year-old's room where she was sleeping with her daughter.

Mekuli then proceeded to strangle the pair simultaneously with one hand on their throats.

He then carried out a violent rape in the hallway of their home in front of her seven-year-old daughter.

Mekuli was jailed for eight years in the Hamilton District Court on Friday in a rape described by Judge Louis Bidois as "as bad as it gets".



Category: News Media