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Weekly Media Roundup
June 29, 2018 at 1:32 PM
Ricky Houghton and the whare that love built
Many of the children abused in state care facilities over the past 40 years have grown up lost in the system. Ricky Houghton decided to overthrow the system completely.
Bill to allow domestic violence victims 10 days leave close to passing
A member's bill that will allow 10 days leave from work to victims of domestic violence is now awaiting its third reading in Parliament. However, it will not be receiving support from National who say they feel sympathy for small businesses that will be fronting the costs.
A bill supporting victims to stay in paid employment is looking likely to pass its third reading in late July. Skylight CEO says it will make a great difference to lives throughout the country.
"There's a huge cost to woman and families in this country as a result of domestic violence, having to change houses, having to move all the time, having to reinstate children in school. Victims accrue huge costs in relation to that."
Domestic violence bill unfair to small businesses - National
National has scuttled Green MP Jan Logie's hopes that Parliament would stand united in support of victims of domestic violence.
Ms Logie has a member's bill before Parliament to give workers up to ten days leave to deal with the consequences of violence at home.
National supported the idea at first reading, but now says it's unfair to small businesses.
How to stop youth offenders from ending up in jail
Teenagers sent to youth justice residence Te Au Rere a te Tonga will almost certainly end up in jail, if their offending doesn't stop. In the second part of this series, John Campbell goes inside the centre to talk to the offenders and the people helping them to be better.
Te Au Rere a te Tonga, a Youth Justice Residence on the outskirts of Palmerston North, is run by Oranga Tamariki, - not Corrections - but the children aged 14 to 17 could end up in jail if their offending does not stop.
There are four of such centres in the country with a total of 140 beds.
Given the coverage of youth offending of late dairy robberies, car thefts and high speed police pursuits, Checkpoint's John Campbell investigates where some of our most at-risk, and high-risk, young people end up.
State care abuse inquiry urged to widen scope
The first stage of one of the most significant child abuse inquiries in New Zealand has been completed. As the Government considers what to do next, Teuila Fuatai reports on initial feedback to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into abuse in state care.
'Culture change' needed to make Wellington NZ's first sexual abuse free city
Did you hear the one about the girl who walked into a bar and was sexually assaulted? It's no joke, it's an epidemic... so much so that one Kiwi city has a 10-year plan to stamp it out.
Jaimee Coulson was 16 when she first experienced a man in a bar sliding his hand up her skirt and forcing his fingers inside her. She had gone out with some friends, for a bit of a laugh, thinking she was so grown-up.
It's estimated there's at least 186,000 sexual offences in New Zealand each year – but only seven per cent of these are reported to the police.
Speaking Secrets: Sexual abuse services bracing for influx
This article is based on extracts from the Speaking Secrets podcast, a co-production by NZ Herald and Newstalk ZB. You can listen to the podcast below or subscribe to Speaking Secrets on iHeartRadio and iTunes.
Police, courts and sexual abuse help agencies are starting to experience a surge in reported cases as the #MeToo movement encourages survivors to come forward.
The trend has emerged in a series of interviews conducted for a New Zealand Herald-Newstalk ZB podcast series, Speaking Secrets, which explores the global campaign against sexual abuse and harassment in New Zealand.
The series, which starts today, has discovered cautious optimism about the newfound ability of victims to speak out, mixed with concern that agencies and institutions will be swamped by the growing number of cases.
Speaking secrets: Sharing stories of sexual abuse amidst #MeToo
This article by NZME journalist Georgina Campbell explains why she decided to create the Speaking Secrets podcast, a co-production by NZ Herald and Newstalk ZB. For the series trailer, listen to the podcast below. You can subscribe to Speaking Secrets on iHeartRadio and iTunes.
The problem with breaking the silence is you have to work out how to clean up the mess.
For victims and survivors of sexual abuse and harassment it's not just sharing their story, it's everything around it.
It's the fear of being pitied or judged, of destroying their careers, and upsetting loved ones.
It's the years of therapy, the giving up on dreams - but knowing that if they don't speak out, then who will?
Speaking Secrets tells the stories of New Zealanders on their own terms and also reveals that mess.
Speaking Secrets: Marama Davidson's painful memory of sexual abuse
This article is based on extracts from the Speaking Secrets podcast, a co-production by NZ Herald and Newstalk ZB. For the full episode with Greens co-leader Marama Davidson, as well as further interviews with criminologist Greg Newbold and Child Matters chief executive Jane Searle, listen to the podcast below. You can subscribe to Speaking Secrets on iHeartRadio and iTunes.
Greens co-leader Marama Davidson has given her first full interview about the sexual abuse she endured as a girl.
When Davidson was about 8 or 9 she was frequently visited in her bedroom at night by an older, distant relative who had been staying with her family for some time.
She has kept her secret for years to protect her family, but decades later she's choosing to share her story publicly.
Speaking Secrets: Man tells of rape at Catholic school
This article is based on extracts from the Speaking Secrets podcast, a co-production by NZ Herald and Newstalk ZB. For the full episode with a man who says he was sexually abused by Marist Brothers, as well as a further interview with MOSAIC chief executive Richard Jeffrey, listen to the podcast below. You can subscribe to Speaking Secrets on iHeartRadioand iTunes.
A man who says he was sexually violated as a child attending a Catholic school has spoken publicly for the first time about the alleged abuse.
The man, who the Herald has chosen not to name for legal reasons, claims he was raped and molested by Marist Brothers when he was a boy in the 1980s.
"Can you imagine a 10, 11-year-old boy walking home alone after school after having been sexually abused? I remember feeling as if I was not in my own body," he said.
Teenagers swamp sexual assault helpline in first month of launch
More than 1200 people have called a new sexual harm helpline - most of them teenagers.
Safe to Talk launched on June 1, after a test run in Canterbury from February 19.
It provides text, phone, and email support for survivors of sexual assault and harassment, and is staffed by experienced sexual trauma professionals.
My story, my shame, is tragically common
“The #MeToo movement hasn’t flowed through our Pacific communities as publicly as it has elsewhere. I think a big part of that is that the ones who’ve hurt us are our family. So outing our assaulter hurts us in new ways, and brings back the old pain.”
The author of this piece is a young Sāmoan woman who wants to stay anonymous because she isn’t ready to tell her parents about the sexual abuse she suffered as a child. But she’s been comforted by reading the stories of those brave enough to speak up — and wants to add her voice, to help break the extreme silence about sex among many Pacific people.
Manukau District Court set to trial victim video statements across the entire district
Manukau District Court have been trialling victim video statements at family violence call outs over the past year and police say they will be rolled out across the entire Counties Manukau district.
Louise Nicholas 'hit the roof' when Wally Haumaha appointed as deputy police commissioner
EXCLUSIVE: Louise Nicholas has worked for years to help change police culture but called for a crisis meeting when Wally Haumaha - friends of the men she accused of raping her -was appointed deputy commissioner.
Minister Martin's proposed intervention strategy
Press Release: Aotearoa NZ Association of Social Workers
The Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers (ANZASW) supports Minister for Children Tracey Martin’s strategy of intensive intervention to lower the number of children being placed in care.
At ANZASW we acknowledge that keeping children connected with their families is central to their wellbeing. Every child has a right to a loving home and, where it is safe for them, for their familial links to be preserved.
Research demonstrates that long-term damage occurs when children are separated from their family: dislocation in childhood leaves profound emotional and psychological scars, often leading to unresolved trauma, heightening the risk of poor mental health later in life, as well as increased sensitivity to stress.
Who will help the helplines?
While Youthline and Lifeline struggle to stay afloat, leaving calls for help unanswered, the government is funding a brand new helpline.
Payouts approved for high-profile convicts
Compensation payments to some of New Zealand’s most high-profile offenders have been quietly paid for abuse they suffered while in state care, but plans to restrict how they can use that money have been shelved. Shane Cowlishaw reports.
Exclusive: Gang violence decreasing across NZ
Violent crime involving gang members is decreasing nationally.
Figures released to Newshub show violent crime, including homicide, kidnapping, abduction, assault and domestic violent have all decreased in relation to gangs - in some places, significantly.
Man faces four charges of indecent assault at Labour Party summer youth camp
A man at the centre of sexual assault allegations at a Labour Party summer youth camp has been charged.
Police said a man, 20, has been arrested and bailed to appear in court on four charges of indecent assault.
India most dangerous country for women – poll
India is the world's most dangerous country for women due to the high risk of sexual violence and being forced into slave labour, according to a poll of global experts released on Tuesday.
War-torn Afghanistan and Syria ranked second and third in the Thomson Reuters Foundation survey of about 550 experts on women's issues, followed by Somalia and Saudi Arabia.
The only Western nation in the top 10 was the United States, which ranked joint third when respondents were asked where women were most at risk of sexual violence, harassment and being coerced into sex.
Pacific midwives can help reduce domestic violence - UN
Midwives and nurses can play a bigger role in reducing the Pacific's high rates of violence against women as well as improving maternal health, a UN agency says.
The UN Population Fund is stepping up its work in the Pacific to combat gender-based violence and stubbornly high rates of teenage pregnancy and deaths among women during pregnancy and childbirth.
Enabling routes to escape violence
Ending a violent relationship requires courage, planning and support, writes Bell Murphy.
From the day they are born, girls are told to fear strangers and going out at night alone. But statistically in Aotearoa, we are safer on the street at night than we are in our own homes in the daytime.
Ninety percent of the abuse women and girls suffer is carried out by someone known to them, and about 50% of the time the abuse is in the context of intimate or family relationships. Every instance is unique and people of any gender can be abusive. However, there are patterns in the way family violence plays out in our society.
Man finally convicted, sentenced for assault on girlfriend
In October 2015, David James Foo Curtain was due to go to trial on the West Coast on domestic-violence charges.
He did not turn up.
More than two and a-half years later, the 27-year-old appeared in the Dunedin District Court, where he pleaded guilty to intimidation, wilful damage and assaulting a female.
Teenaged girl pleads guilty to hatching plan to murder man she matched with on Tinder
The 17-year-old woman who arranged the killing of a man for his car after meeting him on Tinder has pleaded guilty to murder.
Rosie Lewis appeared in the High Court at Napier on Friday before Justice Rebecca Ellis to plead guilty to murdering Sandeep Dhiman on December 17 last year. Her co-accused, Shaun Karauria, 17, was sentenced to life in jail last month for his part in the murder of the 30-year-old Indian national.
Not guilty verdict 'heart-wrenching' for alleged victim of child sexual abuse
For one woman, travelling from Australia to New Zealand to give evidence in the trial of a man she claimed had indecently assaulted her when she was young was traumatising enough.
Hearing that he'd been found not guilty by a jury threw her over the edge.
Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation executive director Kathryn McPhillips said hearing not guilty verdicts can make it worse for victims of sexual abuse.
In Scotland, unlike the rest of the world's legal system, jurors have three possible verdicts to choose from in criminal cases – guilty, not guilty and not proven.
McPhillips is advocating for the possibility of a "not proven" verdict in the New Zealand courts.