Weekly Media Roundup

February 08, 2018 at 4:30 PM

2018 Waitangi Rua Rautau Lecture by Dr Kim Workman

During his lecture, Kim Workman explores what a new justice system built on the principles of restorative justice might look like, and how it would better serve Māori. After exploring the nineteenth-century history of his iwi’s involvement with law and government, he continues with family reminiscence.


'I've never hated myself more in my life' - Revenge porn law, does it really protect the victim?

Revenge porn, the sharing of someone's intimate image without consent, is now illegal, but is the law really structured to deal with the problem? Anna Whyte explores the issue as part of the Massey University Master of Journalism.


A growing emergency: Why are cops looking after mental health patients in crisis?

Upset and drained, Kelly sat in the emergency department with her police escort, waiting to get help for her mental health crisis.

'Has she come straight from prison?' she imagined her fellow patients wondering. 'Was it safe to sit next to her?'

After two hours of waiting, exhaustion set in and she sank to the floor. "Stand up," the policeman said brusquely. "Or we'll take you to the cells." Her only crime was being sick.

In Wellington, Constable Sally Wiffen spent five days out of a six-day shift in Wellington Hospital's emergency department watching over people in crisis, waiting alongside the kitchen cuts and broken toes. She forced a toilet door to prevent one patient self-harming. They didn't put that in the new police recruiting video.


Andrew Steel and the mystery of the vanishing consent campaign

Auckland artist and influencer Andrew Steel recently debuted a major work about consent. The post blew up then, just as quickly, disappeared.

On January 22 Auckland artist Andrew Steel announced his latest work “Safe From Harm”. It debuted as a series of photos on his Instagram account, with accompanying text which encouraged women to talk about consent and why it’s cool. Within five hours it had attracted 2,400 likes and almost 900 comments, with Fashion Quarterly promoting the project to their 35,000 followers.

Its viral success was short lived, however. Within 48 hours, Steel had taken down his original post, closed the official Safe From Harm website, and wiped his personal website.


AUT study classes 150,000 Kiwis as 'vulnerable transient'

New data on New Zealand's burgeoning transient population has urged social services to call for a "game changer".

Around 5.6 per cent of the population, or 212,000 Kiwis, are transient, of which a population the size of Tauranga are vulnerable - an Auckland University of Technology study has revealed.

Transient was defined as moving at least three times in three years. The 150,000 Kiwis classified as "vulnerable transient" moved three or more times to or within a highly deprived area.


Mental health team will need to dig deep

The new Government's mental health inquiry will need to move beyond a focus on symptoms to underlying causes if we are to understand the failures in our system, writes Victoria University's Mary Barnao


Jarrod Gilbert: Peter Ellis martyr to deranged prejudice

Eighteen years ago this month, Peter Ellis left prison. He ought never to have been there in the first place.

Ellis, of course, was convicted of child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Crèche. It remains one of New Zealand's most controversial cases, and one that Labour and New Zealand First's proposed Criminal Cases Review Commission would do well to address.


Cambridge High School rugby teams tackle violence

Cambridge High School has decided its rugby teams will act as ambassadors for a well-known anti-violence campaign used in many communities around New Zealand.

All of the high school's rugby teams will carry the "It's Not OK" message on their playing strip this season.

Cambridge High School deputy principal John McDonnell believed the more who see the message, the more it will prompt people to come forward and ask for help.


Call for women-only accommodation for victims of domestic abuse

A domestic abuse charity says it is too dangerous for vulnerable women to stay in Auckland boarding houses.

Some boarding houses are turning women away for fear their presence in the house could spark violence.

Shine manager Jill Proudfoot says when refuges are full women have no choice and end up locking themselves in boarding house bedrooms.


Police bungle meant child abuse victims waited 20 years for justice

A police bungle in a child abuse investigation meant two sisters had to wait 20 years for justice.

The girls were aged just eight when their grandmother's partner abused them in 1980 and 1981.

The girls went to police and gave statements some time in 1996 or 1997.


Tauranga woman admits revenge attack on husband's new partner

A Bethlehem woman twice rejected by her husband after almost 30 years of marriage lay in wait for another woman and attacked her as she stepped outside to her back door.

Noreen Mason, 54, yesterday pleaded guilty in the Tauranga District Court to a charge of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.


Category: News Media