Weekly Media Roundup

November 17, 2017 at 11:45 AM

Our stolen generation: a shameful legacy

Indigenous peoples throughout English-speaking countries have had their children taken away by the state for generations. Most countries have faced up to this legacy but New Zealand has been in denial about its own Stolen Generation – a group now known as Ngā Mōrehu (The Survivors).

The new Labour government has agreed to set up an inquiry into historical abuse of children in state care between the 1960s and 1990s as one of its priorities in the first 100 days.

In this three-part series Aaron Smale looks at stories from New Zealand, Canada and Australia, and asks what New Zealand can learn.

Part one: remembering Canada’s residential schools.


Our stolen generation: a nonchalant wickedness

In part two, the man who uncovered Australia’s Stolen Generations.


Our stolen generation: a slow genocide

In part three, one man’s story of surviving state care in New Zealand.


Quiet tears on tattooed cheeks: State abuse survivors await apology and inquiry

Analysis - I know way too many people who have been sexually and physically abused while in the care of the state.

None of my siblings have any history with state care but I am Māori and currently 6 out of 10 children who are taken from their families are Māori, while we're just 15 percent of the population.

I've watched as these survivors of state abuse struggle to keep in relationships, to control their addictions and anger, to be loving parents or to even keep a job. The abuse served out under the state's care has woven its way through generations of families like a toxic weed, my whānau included.


Renewed calls for Royal Commission into abuse of people in state care

Government departments could be "sheltering" child abuse perpetrators as calls for a Royal Commission into historical state care abuse remain unanswered, a judge says.

On Wednesday, experts outlined what they believe an independent inquiry into child abuse in state care before 1992 should look like.

The new Government promised an inquiry in its 100-day plan, but what shape that will take remains to be seen.


30% of children's needs not being met - Children's Commissioner

The Government should put children at the centre of policy and legislation to help the 30 per cent of children that are not having their needs met, Children's Commissioner Judge Andrew Becroft says.

His comments accompany the release of a report by the monitoring group for the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Real-time coaching for challenging kids

"The child escalates, the parent escalates and before you know it they're screaming at each other."

For young children prone to frequent high-level meltdowns, one of the most effective treatments involves teaching parents to rewire the relationship via play therapy, says Dr Cheryl McNeil, aka the Toddler Whisperer.

In Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), parents and caregivers are coached in real time to rewire the day-to-day mechanics of the relationship with their challenging child.


Govt to scrap benefit cuts for mums who don't name father

Solo mothers who don't name the father of their child will no longer have welfare payments cut, under the Labour-led government's changes to social security.

Social Development Minister Carmel Sepuloni has confirmed the government will move to repeal part of the Social Security Act which imposes sanctions on sole parents who do not identify the other parent.

Ms Sepuloni said there was no evidence the sanctions had helped achieve their original purpose, which was to make sure the absent parent was meeting their child support obligations.


National criticises scrap of penalties for solo mums who refuse to name child's dad

The Government has confirmed it will repeal the law that penalises solo mothers who refuse to name the father of their child, drawing criticism from the opposition.

The law was introduced so that fathers could be traced and made to pay child support.

Mothers who refuse to name a father can have their benefit payments reduced.

National Party leader Bill English says the Government's move will almost certainly mean there'll be fewer fathers supporting children in the way they should be. 


Teenage girl survives five years of abuse at the hands of her stepfather and mother

The neighbours would hear it all day and night, echoing through their rural cul-de-sac.

It started as soon as he came home, tooting the horn in the driveway, then swearing at his stepdaughter to open the gate for him.

Soon, he would be yelling about the animals. Or the washing. Or the mess her brother had made.

One neighbour broke down trying to describe it, recalling how he was able to yell for hours on end at the teenage girl.


Baby killer faces years behind bars for killing infant

As Shayal Sami contemplates her future behind bars after her conviction for manslaughter, DOMINIC HARRIS examines how a young woman came to kill a baby girl in her care.

Laughing happily and chuckling away at fond memories, Shayal Sami was the image of a young mother chatting with two friends, regaling them with stories of playing with her baby girl, of watching TV together and of patient efforts to get her to feed.

But this was no relaxed conversation over a coffee – Sami was being questioned by a detective at Christchurch Central Police Station over a brutal attack on an infant she had been babysitting.


A Kimbra song has been used to deliver a powerful message about domestic violence

Kimbra’s newest album Primal Heart is on the way and so far she’s been releasing some absolute bangers as singles. Her most recent single however, has been being used to help bring awareness to a very important cause.

The single ‘Everybody Knows’ has been remixed by Apothek, and the music video shows a text book case of domestic violence in a very moving way. Often with domestic violence the signs are not picked up or noticed until it’s too late. So it’s good to see a song being used to raise awareness and highlight this issue. Especially as it’s so prevalent in our society.


Destructive cycle was the end for relationship

For Anna*, dreams of a happily ever after complete with the obligatory white picket fence have been replaced with one simple wish.

"I just want my kids to be safe and happy."

This was the motivation for Anna needed to leave a violent relationship this year.


Category: News Media