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Weekly Media Roundup
October 26, 2017 at 5:20 PM
Waru: The nine female Maori filmmakers united in their passion to start a conversation
Stunning audiences at both the New Zealand and Toronto International Film Festivals, Waru is one of the most important and innovative Kiwi films in years.
All thematically linked by the death of a young boy, the movie features eight different stories, written and directed by nine Maori women.
Co-producer Kerry Warkia says it was a project "born out of heartache, love and passion to protect our children".
"It was created with a desire to challenge perceptions and to start conversations."
CYF review of Isaiah Neil's death finds social workers took 'shortcut' to meet KPI deadline
INVESTIGATION: CYF review shows social workers took shortcut to meet timeframe, then let case "languish" for months.
Social workers took "shortcuts" to meet deadlines when warned about a dysfunctional family of a baby who later died inside a hot car, according to a review of the death.
Staff at the Child Youth & Family office in Whakatane were routinely opening "assessment" records when safety concerns were raised about children, even if the assessment was not completed.
This was to meet internal performance timeframes, but often meant there was no urgency for social workers to finish the safety assessment.
New White Ribbon campaign - Raise our Boys
According to White Ribbon campaign manager Rob McCann 1 in 3 women in New Zealand experience violence in their lifetime. White Ribbon is launching their 2017 campaign which focuses on helping men raise their boys to be better men and break cycles of violence and harassment.
White Ribbon spokesperson George Ngatai told Te Kāea, "If we actually address the issues of saying no to violence then hopefully the children of these men are actually not going to walk in the footsteps of their fathers."
The campaign focuses on preventing violence and harassment by encouraging dads (and all caregivers) to teach their boys about consent and being respectful.
White Ribbon day for family
Today's young people are constantly subjected to an array of confusing and mixed messages about relationships and respect, says Katy Wilson, the Taranaki Safe Families Trust (TSFT) co-ordinator.
"Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Tumblr ... wherever you look there are images and messages bombarding us about how relationships work and what respect looks like.
We live in a world where the President of the USA has openly discussed women in derogatory terms, implying it is ok to touch without consent. From advertising to video games, comic books to music videos, young people are exposed to a lot of images and messages about what relationships look like, and it isn't always healthy."
Immigrants unaware domestic abuse is illegal in New Zealand
Not all immigrants are aware that domestic violence is a crime in New Zealand, according to the police.
This has been revealed in a new short film about domestic violence that aims to educate south Asian communities in the country.
New govt urged to keep 'social investment approach'
The new Labour-led government is being advised to keep one of the outgoing Prime Minister's pet policies - the social investment approach.
The so-called Social Investment Approach uses data to measure how services are being delivered to the most vulnerable and whether they're working.
Cyber harassment on rise on Auckland's North Shore
School kids on Auckland's North Shore are at high risk of cyber-bullying with abuse of naked selfies on the rise.
The Youth Cyber Safety multi-sector working group addresses cyber safety issues on the North Shore, with police, youth workers and school representatives part of the group.
Chair Deb Humphries said one of the biggest issues was school kids taking naked pictures of themselves and "sexting" them to other children.
Those images could then be shared, with young people perpetrating child pornography without realising what they were doing.
Man had 'disease of the mind' when he stabbed and killed his wife
A man who stabbed his wife in bed believed he was a Messiah and if he killed her, they would get a clear passage to heaven.
A High Court judge this morning ruled Simon Harvey Frank was suffering from a "disease of the mind" so was not guilty of Petra Frank's murder on account of insanity.
Justice Pheroze Jagose delivered his judgment in the High Court at Rotorua after Frank pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder.
Trek helps charity supporting grandparents raising grandchildren
A Kerikeri grandfather is grateful for a trust which has provided clothing, advocacy and guidance as he learns how to care for his blind grandson.
He is one of 490 caregivers raising around 550 children who are not their own in Northland, and is speaking out as Kiwi actor Bruce Hopkins has taken to Te Araroa Trail, aiming to raise $50,000 for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren.
Prison should never be the only answer
The recent election had its usual, predictable talk about law and order — and that talk ranged from promoting boot camps and military-style discipline for young offenders to expanding the “three strikes” rule to include burglary. The discussion was often punitive and always lacking in imagination, understanding and compassion.
'Me Too': The long-lasting effects of childhood sexual abuse
Warning: Some readers may find this content distressing.
Me Too: Believed once, but not again
I was 5 when I first experienced sexual abuse. He was only 11 and was also a victim of abuse, which is why he was confused and did it to me.
It happened at school. He told me not to tell anyone, but it all felt wrong so I planned on telling my mum that evening.
'Me Too': I'm a male victim of sexual abuse
Warning: Some readers may find this content distressing.
Despite the years of counselling and therapy I went through in my mid-teens, I have never admitted this to anybody. I have never said it out loud or put it down on paper. It has been long buried deep in the darkest recesses of my mind.
From the age of 7 until my early teens, my older brother abused me on an almost daily basis.
Pay equity bill may get another chance with Green MP Julie Anne Genter as Women's Minister
A defeated private member's bill that would force the private sector to open up its books and reveal more about gender pay differences may be resurrected as a Government bill, in an effort to narrow the gender pay gap.
The Women's portfolio, to be held by Green MP Julie Anne Genter, was one of many allocations that were released today by Prime Minister-designate Jacinda Ardern. Genter said one of her top priorities was to close the gender pay gap, "both in the public and private sector".
Optimism for Samoa family violence curb
A member of Samoa's commission of inquiry on domestic violence is heartened by Samoa's vision for a non violent society.
The commission has finished hearing testimony and a report is to be presented to parliament.
New Zealand based commissioner Tagaloatele Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop said people had been saying old family values of fa'asamoa have weakened and it's now time to go back to old traditions like evening family prayers.
PNG media outlet under fire after death of journalist
A Papua New Guinea newspaper's duty of care to its employees is being called into question after the death of one of its journalists.
The Post Courier business reporter Rosalyn Albaniel died on Sunday.
Our correspondent in Port Moresby Melvin Levongo said Ms Albaniel lived with her husband in the Post Courier's flats neighbouring other journalists.
He said it was known Ms Albaniel suffered domestic abuse yet none of her colleagues intervened on her behalf.