Weekly Media Roundup

June 29, 2017 at 5:30 PM

Review Shows Child Protection Services Need Further Work

One of the first academic and independent reviews of the Government’s direction on child protection services has raised fundamental concerns that the study author, Otago University’s Dr Emily Keddell, says need addressing.

The aims of the reforms need to be broadened from the “economically oriented” to the “socially oriented” and to a more holistic goal of child and family wellbeing, her commentary, on the Government’s Child Youth and Family Review, commissioned by AUT’s Policy Observatory, recommends.


Oranga Tamariki defends 'child-centred' approach following academic review

The Ministry for Vulnerable Children Oranga Tamariki has defended its direction after an academic review criticised the government's child protection reforms. 

The study, commissioned by Auckland University of Technology's Policy Observatory, raised concerns about the direction of child protection services, specifically recent and proposed changes aimed at preventing child abuse and neglect. 

The study's author, University of Otago's Dr Emily Keddell, said the reforms' aims needed to be broadened from the "economically oriented" to the "socially oriented".


Family violence: incidents still rising, and no 'quick fix' in sight

Family violence continues to increase in New Zealand, with police investigating 118,910 incidents of family violence last year - almost 9000 more than in 2015.

But police are encouraged by the numbers, saying it showed more people were willing to call for help.


Family violence contributes to 194 New Zealand deaths over 7-year period

There were nearly 200 family violence deaths between 2009 and 2015, and intimate partner violence contributed to almost half of those.

Out of the 194 deaths, 83 involved a known history of abuse, and 43 of the women who died as a result of intimate partner violence had been in contact with police at least once.


Does family violence call for a new court system?

Zoë Lawton discusses whether an integrated approach to managing court proceedings concerning the same family should be adopted in New Zealand

The aim of the discussion paper I have prepared is to start a constructive conversation about whether an integrated approach to managing related court proceedings concerning the same family should be adopted in New Zealand. This approach was pioneered in the state of New York, where integrated domestic violence courts have been in operation since 2001.


Insight: Data in Exchange for Help

News Zealand spends billions on welfare and social services every year, but how do we know it's money well spent?

The government all ready uses data it holds to make sure citizens, are getting the right social services. Now it wants to take that a step further and use identifiable data to target help to individuals. But some social service groups have said handing client information to the government will kill the trust they have with their clients, with many simply avoiding help.


NZ suicide rates an 'avoidable situation'

Youth suicide is an avoidable reality in New Zealand, but it is not being adequately tackled, mental health experts say.

A UNICEF report released today said New Zealand had the worst rate in the world at 15.6 per 100,000 people in the designated age bracket (15-19).

The rate was substantially higher than the next worst countries, Lithuania, Finland, Chile and Ireland, and more than eight times worse than the best performing countries, Italy and Portugal.


The Big Read: The final year and awful death of Gisborne schoolgirl Reiha McLelland

Reiha McLelland was on the verge of becoming a teenager when teacher Sam Back entered her life.

For one year - an exciting, explosive, extraordinary year - Back courted Reiha's attention.

With thousands of text messages and thousands of emailed words, the 41-year-old competed for her time, demanded her attention and consumed her life.

And then she died.

She was 13.


Inquiry into death of Gisborne schoolgirl Reiha McLelland exposes flaw in law

A loophole in the law which could place children at risk is under scrutiny by Children's minister Anne Tolley after warnings from the coroner investigating the death of a 13-year-old.

Cabinet minister Anne Tolley said she had asked for advice on the coroner's recommendations, which were to extend background checks on those seeking work with children to include any professional bodies they had been kicked out of.


Holding youths in police cells a 'continued embarrassment' for NZ - Children's Commissioner

Keeping youths in police cells is an embarrassing stain on the international reputation of New Zealand's youth-justice system, the Children's Commissioner says.

Police cells – where youths were kept "effectively in solitary confinement" – were supposed to be a last resort for the courts, but information released this week showed 11 youths were in police custody alongside adults around the country.


Brain injured teen left in police cells for three nights

The Ministry for Vulnerable Children left a teenager with a pre-existing brain injury in police cells for three nights because they could not find him a suitable bed.

The case was called at the Waitakere Youth Court today after Judge Lisa Tremewan refused to remand the 16-year-old back into the police cells after he had two seizures over the weekend.


Warning for children over location-sharing Snapchat update

Netsafe says the new location sharing update on the popular social media app Snapchat can be dangerous for young people.

This week Snapchat announced its update called Snap Map which allows users to broadcast their location to their friends on the app.


More than 550,000 Kiwis are experiencing hardships in multiple areas of life, says Government research group

More than half a million Kiwis are experiencing hardship in three or more areas of life and single-parent families are doing things toughest, government research has found.

Superu, a government agency focusing on improving the lives of families and children, released the findings today.


Hawke's Bay father puts 5-year-old son through mock execution and laughs

A father who became upset at his 5-year-old son's behaviour during prayer time made the boy get a hammer and kneel on a sheet so he could be executed.

The offending by Hastings man Kiimatangiroa​ Junior Samuel, 41, was described by Judge Max Courtney as "the cruellest set of facts I have ever come across"


Prison sentence for father who caused son's death

The soul of a grieving Southland mother was "ripped to pieces" when finding out her partner caused the death of their infant son.

Jenna Ashworth's heartbreak was laid bare when she read her victim impact statement in open court on Thursday, describing the anguish the death of her 11-week-old son, Honour Ashworth, had on herself and her family.


Victim's experiences of domestic violence 'a classic, sad situation'

Hunched over, head bowed and crying, Arana Haenga was forced to face up to consequences of the brutality he meted out to his partner. 

The 24-year-old's threatening and violent behaviour towards the victim, and mother of his four children, was described by Judge Garry Barkle as inhumane.  

The fact some of the violence was witnessed by the couple's children made the situation even worse. 


Alternative education for struggling teens 'ineffective' - Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education says alternative education for teenagers who have been kicked out of mainstream schools is "largely ineffective".

This conclusion, from a review of the country's 91 alternative education centres serving almost 1900 teenagers, points towards stronger moves to help schools keep the most at-risk teens in mainstream school classes.


Cafe's funds will help support domestic violence-prevention in south Auckland

South Aucklanders will soon be able to help disadvantaged members of their community simply by buying a cup of coffee.

Friendship House in central Manukau is remaking its cafe and chief executive Neil Denney says money earned from the enterprise will enable it to expand its services to people in need.


Category: News Media