Weekly Media Roundup

June 26, 2014 at 10:54 AM

Jade Speaks Up:

Jade Speaks Up, a multimedia resource to help keoo children safe from violence was launched at Parliament on Monday with over 150 government and community leaders present to give their support.

Tool to help children speak up about violence launched


Body found in Massey following domestic violence call out:

After being called out to reports of an assault taking place at a property in Massey, Police discovered a woman who had sustained serious injuries at a neighbouring property, while her house was alight following an explosion. The police subsequently discovered the body of the woman’s partner in the house. Although the details surrounding these events are unclear, Police have confirmed that they believe the event to be domestic related.

Body found after house fire in West Auckland


Vulnerable Children Bill passes into law:

A Law change aimed at improving the protection of children at risk of abuse or neglect, including stronger vetting of adults who work with children, has passed into law with broad support in Parliament.  

The Vulnerable Children Bill passed its final stage by 105 - 10 votes in Parliament last week after only the Green Party and Mana Party's Hone Harawira voted against it.

Child Abuse bill passes into law


Grogwatch Interview: Alcohol and its role in violence behind closed doors:

GrogWatch interviews PHD candidate Ingrid Wilson about the role that alcohol plays in family violence. Ingrid's research explores women's experiences of alcohol-related intimate partner violence.

Read more here.


Category: News Media