Weekly Media Roundup

June 19, 2014 at 11:52 AM

The Glenn Inquiry 'Peoples Report' was released on Monday, for a sample of the media articles related to this see the separate post included in this newsletter.


In other news...

Call for tougher penalties for those who breach protection orders:

The Dunedin other of a victim who had her head split open with an axe is campaigning for tougher penalties for offenders who breach protection orders.



Once Upon a Crime in the West:

West Auckland does not have the resources to stop violence in an area increasingly affected by inequality.



Tag all family abusers: Judge

The former Supreme Court Judge leading the Glenn Inquiry wants to electronically tag men on domestic violence protection orders.



Interview with Patrick Kelly on Child Abuse:

Patrick Kelly's dream is that he'll wake up and find he's no longer needed. But the paediatrician knows society will have to make big changes.


Category: News Media