Weekly Media Round up

March 10, 2016 at 4:01 PM

Woman died from single gunshot to head:

A woman whose body was found after armed police descended on a house outside Dunedin on Tuesday died from a single gunshot to her head.

Police said Sharon Diane Comerford, 54, died at her Coast Rd home in Seacliff. The man with whom she shared a volatile on-off relationship was found with serious gunshot wounds and a firearm nearby.



NZ goes orange to support victims of domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is not an easy subject to confront, especially because the statistics in New Zealand are shocking.

The NZ Police answer a domestic abuse callout every five minutes. Every six weeks, a child is killed by a family member. One-in-three Kiwi women will experience physical or sexual abuse by a partner in their lifetime. It is time to Shine some light on this horrible epidemic, and with Orange Friday, every Kiwi has an opportunity to do just that.



Gradual change seen in PNG police attitude to sexual violence:

Papua New Guinea police deputy commissioner, Raphael Huafolo, says there is a gradual change in mindset in police attitudes to domestic violence.

Mr Haufolo launched an evaluation report of the police's Family and Sexual Violence Units on Tuesday to coincide with International Women's Day.

The units are a designated space where trained officers can respond to family and sexual violence cases and there are now 17 around the country.



Rosemary McLeod: Race a huge factor in how we treat crime:

OPINION: The memory of Australia's stolen generation must surely taunt the government's new plan to tackle problem gang families. It's an initiative destined to chill with kindness, bound to either fail or make no difference at all.

Fiddling with indigenous cultures' families from a position of moral and cultural superiority has had disastrous results wherever it's been tried. Our own history of girls' and boys' homes, both state-run and charity-run, where problem children were parked away from presumably lousy parents, is an embarrassment.



NRL great expected to have domestic violence charges dropped:

Domestic violence charges against former NRL player Hazem El Masri are expected to be dropped when he returns to court.

El Masri was charged with two assault offences in October after an allegation of domestic violence against his second wife Douah El-Charif.

His lawyer Chris Murphy has previously described Ms El-Charif as a "compulsive liar", telling a Sydney court that the claims against El Masri were "hysterical and false".



Woman wakes from coma to accuse 'hero' boyfriend of causing the injuries:

A woman in northern China has accused her boyfriend of brutally beating her across the head over burnt bread, causing her to fall into a coma.

Chinese media had portrayed the man named Liu Fenghe as a loving, selfless man who spent 200,000 yuan (NZ$44,000) on Lin Yingying's treatment.

However, when she awoke from her coma, she accused him of causing the injury which had put her in the hospital, Huanqiu, affiliated with the People's Daily Onlinereports. What's more, it wasn't the first time he's hit her.



New strangulation charge could be introduced:

There's "strong evidence" for a new criminal charge of strangulation based on the latest Law Commission recommendations, the Justice Minister says.

The commission says the act of strangulation is a common form of domestic violence which "blights" New Zealand society and leaves a long-lasting impact on the victims.

A report was commissioned by Ms Adams in mid-2015 for the potential to follow other countries' leads to have a specific criminal offence of strangulation.



Calls to address harassment and provide campus-based violence prevention:

A group of Dunedin residents has asked the University of Otago to take action to address harassment in the Dunedin student quarter and at the university.

The group sent a letter to Vice-Chancellor Professor Harlene Hayne outlining issues of racist speech/slurs, street harassment towards women, and trans- and homophobia. While the abuse may have spiked during orientation or 'O-week,' comments indicate it is an ongoing issue.



Trust sets up clinic to work with abusive men:

A Far North trust dealing with poverty and family dysfunction is setting up a men's clinic for men who've abused their families. 

He Korowai Trust manager Ricky Houghton said women and children were often forced to flee the family home after a domestic violence incident.

Removing the man from the home was fairer and less disruptive, Mr Houghton said.



Ceri McVinnie opened up about her past on The Bachelor, this is the story:

She introduced herself with a bottle of juice and a flirty smile, but later Ceri McVinnie opened up to The Bachelor. 

The 24-year-old is one of 23 women vying for love on season two of The Bachelor NZ, she's studying to be a teacher, she's a beauty queen and the holder of the title Miss Tourism 2015. 

Before she was interrupted by another bachelorette on the first episode of the show which aired last night, she began to tell the Bachelor - Jordan Mauger - of her rough past, dealing with domestic abuse. 



Wife of ex-Eagles member Randy Meisner shot in fatal gun accident:

The wife of former Eagles band member, bassist Randy Meisner, was killed when a rifle she was handling accidentally discharged and shot her in the head, Los Angeles police say.

Police said on Monday officers found 63-year-old Lana Rae Meisner dead on Sunday from a single gunshot wound at the couple's home in the San Fernando Valley.

Investigators say Lana Rae Meisner lifted the rifle from a storage case when another item inside shifted and hit the trigger, causing the gun to fire.


'Tragic irony': Coroner finds abused mother 'committed the ultimate family violence:

An Australian woman who was "frozen out" by her husband committed the ultimate act of family violence in killing the couple's two young sons, a coroner has found.

Judge Ian Gray found it was difficult to resist the conclusion that Anitha Mathew was punishing her husband when she set fire to her Clayton South, Victoria, home, while she and her sons Philip, 9, and Mathew, 5, were inside on June 1, 2012.


NZ's 50 'women of achievement':

Fifty Kiwi women have been recognised for their accomplishments in time for International Women's Day today.

Zonta's New Zealand chapter has highlighted 50 "women of achievement" for their work in fields which deal with some of the most serious issues facing women today.



TEDx: We should be listening to our children to uphold democracy:

Imagine if we learned new ways to include children and ensure their voices were heard in our democracy.  

Our society would be vastly different if we up-held children's rights and enabled their citizenship so they were heard in our communities and government.   

In spite of growing understanding about children's development, significant social and economic changes have impacted on the way our families function, with steep increases in poverty and sole parenthood leaving many of our children vulnerable.    



Vulnerable, at risk children given helping hand:

A team of professionals created to help vulnerable children in Horowhenua and Otaki has one of the highest rates of membership in the country. 

The Horowhenua-Otaki children's team is made up of a group of professionals from health agencies, social services, iwi, education and community groups who work together to help children at risk of abuse or neglect, providing a broader approach to intervention.

The team, which was formed in September 2014, was the first of eight to be rolled out across the country.











Category: News Media