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Weekly Media Round up
August 05, 2016 at 11:15 AM
Iwi Leaders first to sign NZ covenant for children:
Iwi leaders are the first to be supporting and signing a Covenant for New Zealand's children today.
The Covenant for the nation's children was written by Judge Carolyn Henwood, who was a district court judge for 30 years. She said her experiences as a judge pushed her to write it.
She said she was concerned New Zealand did not have anything of its own beyond the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
The covenant, or kawenata, is written in both Māori and English and is a promise to the children of New Zealand to ensure they are treasured, respected and enjoy a good life full of opportunity.
Chris Rattue: Chiefs must front to Strippergate:
It's time for senior Chiefs players to step forward, and tell us about the team's attitude to women. It's time them to give us something encouraging, from the heart.
The franchise's image is in tatters. The team's Strippergate disaster is like an ugly memento out of a time warp.
All Black coach Steve Hansen got the tone dead right when he said rugby needed to move on from the boozy disasters in waiting. But the game needs to go much further than that.
Dr Claire Meehan: Sexting and Cyberspace Safety:
We know quite young children are sexting and watching pornography online but are we doing enough to protect them?
Digital natives might not see some of their on-line behaviour, including sending nude or semi-nude pictures of themselves as risky until these pictures get circulated in cyberspace.
And when this happens the victim is often blamed, making it hard for them to seek help.
Over-stretched emergency workers in 'murder capital of NZ' Kaitaia cry out for help:
The small town of Kaitiaia has been dubbed "the murder capital of New Zealand" and police have told ONE News that description is spot on.
With four killings and hundreds of other crimes in their small town already this year, first responders say they're slammed and need more Government support.
A Far North Fire Service chief, Colin Kitchen, has described one incident when fire volunteers were abused by people at the scene of a stabbing while they tried to treat the dying victim.
Gina Lander murder: 'She was my best friend':
The daughter of a New Zealand woman murdered in the United Kingdom said she has lost her "best friend".
Former Tauranga woman Gina Lander, 46, was reported missing from her home in Walsall on March 16 by her partner David Stokes.
Police believe Stokes murdered Lander and then disposed of her body before reporting her missing.
Treatment of detained children prompts protests:
Protesters have rallied in cities across Australia to criticise the government's response to alleged abuse at a juvenile detention centre in the Northern Territory.
A report by an ABC programme on abuse at a Northern Territory facility appeared to show a number of boys being assaulted and mistreated.
Many of those detained are Aboriginal children, leading some protesters to claim the youth detention system is racist.
Editorial: We must get tougher over Kiwis in detention:
Just last week in Australia, a Royal Commission was announced to look into shocking media reports of abuse and torture in a juvenile detention centre in Darwin. There is a cynical view that because there were pictures, and the pictures were shown on ABC's respected and high-profile Four Corners programme, the Australian Government had no choice but to finally do something. It may have helped that the episode was bluntly titled "Australia's shame".
Kindergarten teacher saves child from abuse:
The severe abuse of a 3-year-old girl ended when a kindergarten teacher saw her legs were bruised black and blue.
The detective who investigated says it's one of the worst cases of child abuse he has seen in his 11-year career.
If the kindergarten teacher had not intervened the girl might have been killed, he says.
NZ Police work to overcome cultural divide:
A year after New Zealand's police commissioner admitted that there was an unconscious bias within the force, the organisation has rolled out efforts to bridge a cultural divide with increasingly diverse communities.