Weekly Media Round up

June 10, 2016 at 9:14 AM

New bill introduces some reforms to Child, Youth and Family:

The Children, Young Persons and Their Families (Advocacy, Workforce, and Age Settings) Amendment Bill has been introduced to Parliament, containing some of the planned reforms to Child, Youth and Family.

Social Development Minister Anne Tolley saidthe Bill was part of the first stage of the reforms and the development of a new model for care and protection.



Report shows the problem with family violence in the news:

When allegations Johnny Depp had physically and emotionally abused wife Amber Heard surfaced, sensationalist headlines and articles drawing on her financial position, delay in action, bisexuality, and his squeaky-clean relationship record gained attention.

Last week, when South Australian woman Adeline Rigney-Wilson and her two children were murdered, court documents revealing the slain woman would leave her kids to starve to fund her ice habit made their way to the top of news stories.



Growing trend of alcohol related violence in common assaults:

More than 1000 people in Manawatu have reportedly been victims of common assault in the space of a year.

Information released under the Official Information Act showed from July 2014 to June 2015 about 1167 people in the Manawatu Police area were recorded as victims of common assault.

The area extends north to Kimbolton, out to Bulls in the west, Pongaroa in the east and down to Otaki. 

A police spokesman said they were seeing a growing trend of alcohol related violence moving away from a public place, and increasing numbers in the home in Central District and Manawatu.



Woman convicted of benefit fraud allowed to teach:

A Christchurch teacher found guilty of benefit fraud will be allowed to continue teaching. 

The woman, who has name suppression and is referred to as "Ms A" in the decision released by the New Zealand teachers disciplinary tribunal, has been told she must seek counselling if she wants to continue working as a teacher. 

Despite taking up a job with the Ministry of Education within a week of applying for the unemployment benefit, "Ms A" continued to receive extra financial support for over two years. 

The woman told the complaints assessment committee she was living under "extreme stress and emotional and physical abuse" when she "lost [her] way."



Te Puea Marae finds homes for 21 Auckland families:

The chair of an Auckland marae supporting the homeless is commending those who have had the courage to accept its help.

Te Puea Memorial Marae has housed 21 families in just under two weeks and has helped some of them get paid jobs.



Influential Auckland pediatrician recognised with ONZM:

Dr Niall Patrick Kelly has been awarded the Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM).

Kelly, who has tirelessly worked for the protection and rights of children and sexual abuse victims, is one of 37 ONZM Queens Birthday Honours recipients.

The 58-year-old clinical director said the honour acknowledges his Child Protection Team's efforts at Auckland's Starship National Children's Hospital over the last 20 years as much as his own work.



Anti-domestic violence campaigner wants communities to 'take up the baton':

New Zealand's high rate of family violence has been described as: a stain on our national identity, a shameful truth, and an enormity few appreciate.

David White likens it to a large stone.

"When incidents of family violence occur, it has the effect of a big stone being dropped into a calm pond," the 71-year-old explains.


Tasteless Dior 'Sauvage' Ad With Johnny Depp Leaves Fans Outraged:

Johnny Depp is facing backlash for his ad campaign with Dior, which has a troubling meaning amid allegations of assault on his wife Amber Heard.



When Your Teenage Romance Turns Into Domestic Violence:

When you hear about what constitutes an "abusive" relationship, things usually start normal and then devolve. But no one would've ever have called what Theo and I had normal. At first I found it enticing. Nobody understood Theo and me like we did; nobody got it.










Category: News Media