Weekly Media Round up

May 19, 2016 at 10:56 PM

Focus on safety of women, not violent acts:

OPINION: If a person was taken hostage and tortured by terrorists and then used a weapon against one of the terrorists to escape, most people would have no hesitation in saying that their act of violence was in self-defence. Most would probably say so, even if they had acted in a moment when their captor was off guard.

We would probably consider that they had acted in self-defence even if they used more force than was strictly necessary because of their overwhelming feelings of terror and panic at the time.

And while nobody deserves to die a violent death – even terrorists are human beings – if the use of a weapon resulted in the death of the captor we would consider that the terrorist had created the dangerous situation and therefore, in part at least, authored their own destiny.



Govt pledges $46 million to combating sexual violence:

The Government has pledged to reveal what it calls the "dirty little secret" of sexual violence in New Zealand.

Social Development Minister Anne Tolley has pledged $46 million from this year's Budget towards sexual violence over the next four years - $40 million is new and $6 million is reallocated.



Sex attack monster 'Magic Mike' jailed for 19 years:

Magic Mike liked a certain type of girl: Young, vulnerable and preferably smoking dope.

He was the neighbourhood tinnie dealer who would invite teenagers in for a drink, or a joint, in the bar in the backyard of his Mt Roskill home.

"Magic used to get with a lot of young girls in the neighbourhood. I think a lot of the young girls were using him to score weed from him. Why else would a pretty young girl hang out with a scary old man that looks like him?" one neighbour told police.



Women's Refuge backtrack on abuse story:

Women's Refuge is in damage control over its role in the Moko Rangitoheriri case with the organisation backtracking on comments that they knew about abuse toward him from the woman who eventually killed him.

The about-face comes as public anger mounts over one of the worst child abuse cases in New Zealand, which saw three-year-old Moko tortured to death over a two month period.  



Homeless mum: 'It's pretty scary at night':

As the national debate over homelessness continues, a Christchurch mother of five who left her home because of domestic violence says the system has failed her.

Advocates for the homeless say the country must get a grip on the true number of people without houses if struggling support services are going to have a hope of helping them.



Family Action's patron Lady Barbara Harvey puts spotlight on family violence:

Lady Barbara Harvey is joining the fight against family violence and hopes the rest of the nation will stand behind her.

The wife of former Waitakere City Council mayor Bob Harvey is the new patron of Family Action, based in Henderson, West Auckland.

The registered charity provides counselling, for both adults and children, outreach services to those in family violence situations and a refuge centre for women and children needing to flee their home.



Little: Govt needs to address family violence in Budget:

The Leader of the Opposition says the Government has a lot of ground to make up in tackling domestic violence - and he said we'll know how seriously the issue is being taken in next week's Budget.

Mr Little said on a lot of fronts the Government seems to be keen to show it's doing something useful in social spending. 



Police Minister compares crime notes in London:

New ways to combat crime and violence could be coming from the United Kingdom after NZ's police minister met with heads of crime and police agencies in London.



Man jailed for stabbing wife in the head:

A man who chased his wife down the road armed with a knife and repeatedly stabbed her in the head while she sought shelter in a stranger's home has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison.

Mataafa Taoipu Ae appeared at the High Court in Auckland today after pleading guilty to attempted murder and breaching a protection order.


Category: News Media