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Weekly Media Round up
April 29, 2016 at 9:15 AM
Women's Group develops app to shut down domestic violence in NZ:
The Inner City Women’s Group has developed an app designed to help Kiwi women stand up against domestic violence.
The app, known as 1 in 3 Be Free, was created by the group in partnership with Omnispex, a quiz that helps women screen for indicators of all forms of domestic violence from a current or previous partner.
Police in Australia under fire for throwing domestic violence victim into jail:
Police in Australia arrested a domestic violence victim in front of her children, locked her up for two nights, and charged her with failing to turn up to give evidence against her abusive partner, despite claims they handed her subpoena to her attacker.
The woman's treatment has raised serious questions about the actions of police and prosecutors, and the lengths they should go to when trying to force vulnerable victims to give evidence against perpetrators.
What five decades of research has confirmed about smacking:
Smacking is associated with more aggression, more antisocial behaviour, more mental health and cognitive problems, and poorer relationships with parents, according to the most comprehensive analysis of the research to date.
And, it appears that the detrimental effects may also reach into adulthood.
2014 data from UNICEF revealed that around the world, 80 per cent of children are smacked or physically disciplined by their parents.
Australia-NZ co-operation meeting begins:
Ministers from Australia and New Zealand are meeting in Queenstown to discuss trans-Tasman co-operation on situations ranging from family violence to natural disasters.
The Government is hosting the fifth meeting of the Law, Crime and Community Safety Council, which opened today for two days of talks.
Justice Minister Amy Adams is chairing the session on family violence and community safety.
Australia and NZ Police Commissioners speak out on family violence:
Today, NZ Police Commissioner Mike Bush and Police Commissioners from across Australia launched a joint Leadership Statement and Policing Principles for Protecting Women and Children from Family Violence.
The Police Commissioners have called on the community to challenge behaviour that turns a blind eye to family violence and attitudes which reflect an endemic disrespect of women.
“Police are committed to doing everything in their power to prevent family violence, protect victims and hold perpetrators to account,” says Commissioner Mike Bush.
Walmsley trial: Former CYF caregiver found guilty on 52 charges:
A former Child, Youth and Family caregiver and alternative medicine practitioner has been found guilty on 52 charges of sexual abuse against eight teenagers in his care.
It took a jury of six women and six men 16 hours of deliberating to find Oamaru man Frank Russell Walmsley, 57, guilty of most of the charges against him on Tuesday afternoon.
Working for changes:
Family Works Whanganui is managed by the soon to retire Cheryl Edwards who has been with the organisation for 19 years.
So what does Family Works do?
"We're a general counselling and education service," says Cheryl. "We run parenting programmes, counselling for couples, individuals, families and children. Our oldest client I think has been in their 80s. The most significant part of the work we do now is with complex families and a lot of family violence work. We work with children who have been exposed to family violence and with the people who are survivors of the violence."
Man jailed for 'domestic terrorism':
A man's rampage of "domestic terrorism" included holding a hot oil-column heater against a woman and beating his dog.
Roger Alan Mosen Marshall was jailed for three years and read the three-strike warning for repeat violent offenders when he was sentenced by the Christchurch District Court on Friday.
Judge Raoul Neave described the 36-year-old's behaviour as "domestic terrorism".
Jesse Ferris-Bromley sentenced for Palmerston North manslaughter:
The mother of a young woman beaten to death by her boyfriend wishes she had done more to save her only child from an abusive relationship.
Jesse John Ferris-Bromley has been jailed for eight years for manslaughter, after the repeated battering of his partner, 20-year-old Virginia Ford.
Ford's mother Pauline said her daughter's death had left her feeling responsible for not stepping in.
“CYF is gone”:
Earlier this month, Social Development Minister Anne Tolley announced a radical overhaul of services for at-risk children. How radical? That became clear when Tolley corrected a television interviewer who mentioned Child, Youth and Family, the Government agency charged with looking after vulnerable kids. “CYF is gone,” Tolley said with brutal finality. “It’s finished.”