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Waka Oranga: Finding the Healer Within
July 26, 2019 at 11:35 AM
From Waka Oranga
E ngā waka, e ngā mana, e ngā karangatanga maha huri noa i te motu nei te mihi atu ki a koutou katoa! Tenā koutou, tenā koutou, tenā koutou katoa. Our Poutama seminars offer excellent professional development opportunities for anyone wishing to expand their knowledge of indigenous models of psychotherapy/counselling.
Click here to download the full flyer
Finding the Healer Within
Saturday 5 October: 1pm – 5.30pm
Whaiora Marae, Otara, Tamaki Makaurau
Two esteemed Wāhine Māori will present on the theme of indigenous healing.
Dr Maria Baker, CEO Te Rau Ora – Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa. Maria is a graduate of grassroots, Maori communities and NGO’s with a passion and drive to strengthen whanau, hapu and Iwi. Maria will speak about the work of Te Rau Ora (originally Te Rau Matatini) Aotearoa’s indigenous Māori organisation committed to the mental health and addictions sector and to providing a range of local and national programmes to improve Māori health and wellbeing.
Hinewirangi Kohu Morgan – Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu, Tauranga Moana. Hinewirangi is a kuia who teaches māori tikanga and kawa, an artist, a poet, a carver, a healer and tohunga of māori protocol and practise. You will be guided through traditional waiata māori (song) and introduced to a number of traditional tāonga puoro (māori instruments). Through the use of these traditional forms Hinewirangi demonstrates the deeper concept of “Singing the Soul back into Being”.