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Waitakere Synthetic Cannabis Rally
March 31, 2014 at 5:18 PM
Following a well attended meeting on the 21 of March that focused on the harm caused by the use of syntheitic cannabis, a Waitakere Community Rally is being organised which will link with the nation-wide rally on the 5 April 2014. Please gather at 12 pm at the Corban’s Art Centre. Details are as follows:
5th April 2014 – 1 pm to 4 pm. Meet at Corban’s Art Centre at 12pm Don’t forget to bring……
- Your placards, and your passion!
- At least two people with you – we need to show community support that we don’t want these products in our community.
- Dress in Black which symbolises the darkness that legal highs have on families.
- Bring white balloons to represent hope.
S ynthetic Cannabis is harming our community
P roactive, Preventative
E ducate our Whanau about the effects
A ction to stop the sale of legal highs
K now where to seek help
O ur Communities
U niting
T ogether
You can read more about the movement here, or connect with the facebook page.
There is also a link here to a media article about the Tokoroa woman who has organised a 22 town rally to ban legal highs.