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Waitakere Children's Hui Minutes and Next Steps
March 24, 2016 at 11:56 AM
Waitakere Children's Hui Minutes and Next Steps
We had a fantastic turnout at our Waitakere Children's Hui last week.
Click here to read the minutes
As a result of the positive response from attendees we are delighted to announce that WAVES will be coordinating an ongoing dedicated Children's Network. The launch for the network will be held on Wednesday the 11th of May, 10am - 12pm at MPHS HUB West – 27 Corban Ave (Corner Bruce McLaren Rd and Corban Ave), Henderson South.
We will be sending out an invitation for the launch in due course, in the meantime please save the date!
We are also in the process of finalising further network meeting dates and a venue. Once these are finalised we will let you know so that you can block out your calendars. If you have any questions about the network in the meantime please do not hesitate to get in touch,