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Valuing People Living Well - NZCCSS Conference
March 31, 2016 at 11:21 AM
Register now, ensure your place
You are invited for two inspiring and thought-provoking days incorporating a great mix of break-out sessions, keynote speakers, panels and workshops. Being held at the Rendezvous Hotel - Auckland
Conference is open to everyone working in the sector.
This will be a friendly and collegial event, a place to meet and get to know better others who share your dedication to responding to the issues that face older people and those who work with them.
The conference theme Valuing People, Living Well. speaks right into the heart of all that motivates us as we work in this area. It captures our aim to be constantly seeking to find better ways to support older people to live well in our communities and to truly value the essential dignity and value of every person.
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