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Treasurer and Board members wanted for Violence Free Communities
October 01, 2015 at 1:57 PM
Treasurer and Board members wanted for Violence Free Communities
Violence Free Communities (VFC), formerly Violence Free Waitakere, is seeking to recruit two new Board members and a Treasurer (who may be one of the Board members).
Our mission is to promote violence free communities by creating projects, events and tools that support people to enjoy active participation in their community.
We want the projects we create to be used throughout NZ, independently by other organisations, or in collaboration with us. Please see below examples of some of our current work.
As an organisation, VFC is committed to strong innovative governance, strong networks and collaborative relationships, a sustainable funding model and a project development process that involves comprehensive scoping and evaluation of projects.
What we are looking for in new board members:
Treasurer: we have recently lost our Treasurer, who has gone to live in India, and we need to replace her. We are looking for someone with accounts experience, familiarity with Xero software and strong interest in the work we do. We pay an honorarium of $80 a month for this role and while we would like the Treasurer to be a member of the Board, this is not necessary. As Treasurer, you would have an overview of all of VFC finances and would meet with our Organisational Development Manager and with the Advisory Team Meeting group. These meetings would take about three hours a month. Board meetings are bi-monthly, for two hours, 4-6pm. There would also be time spent reading and creating reports, helping with budgets and audits.
Board members: We are looking for Board members who have a strong passion for community development ideas and practices. Board members could come from any sector of society or cultural community. Strong community connections, cultural competence, strong networks, business, marketing or legal experience and/or community development knowledge are all helpful attributes of prospective Board members. The Board currently meets bi-monthly for two hours (4-6 pm), with other longer meetings (half a day or a whole day) twice a year for review and strategic planning. Board members are encouraged to have some involvement in an aspect of a VFC project so that they have hands-on experience of the work of VFC. There is also some email communication in between meetings when required.
If this interests you and you’d like more information or a discussion about the roles of Treasurer or Board member, you can contact:
Treasurer: Lyn Amos, Organisational Development Manager, or call 8374849.
Board Member: Geoff Bridgman, Chair VFC, or call 022 011 9838
Cathie Powell, Secretary VFC, or call 021 118 9151
Our website is
See the attched for more information