Toddler Day Out 2014 Needs Volunteers

February 12, 2014 at 5:35 PM

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED !! Rostered Shift: 9:30-4pm


TODDLER DAY OUT 2014 and Great Parenting Fair

Saturday 1st of March

The Trust Arena

Central Park Drive, Henderson


 Volunteers Rostered Shift: 9:30-4pm


Toddler Day Out is a FUN, organised and highly popular FREE annual event for under 5's and their families.
One day volunteer role with possiblity of scheduled hours. Needed enthusiastic all rounder for appointed designated tasks.

 To provide much needed support to event management team, stall holders and attendees.

This fantastic support benefits attending parents, family and children to have an amazing day of lots of fun, activities and great information sharing which entail grows happy communities.



Face Painting

Balloon machine
Information Desk relief
Healers Area Booking relief
Stallholder floating relief

Hanging signs
Distribute Stallholder Badges/Evaluation Forms
Check Water Stations
EManningxit Only Door

Health and Safety Check
Help in interactive areas

Help Stall Holders when breaking down for the day

There will be an information sheet sent out to volunteers and a briefing upon arrival.
Supervisor Robyn Brady will be available at anytime throughout the day.

Toddle Day Out ...on Saturday 1st March 2014, Rain or Shine !!


Download the Flyer here for more information.


Contact Kay Phone 09 837 4849 or Mob 027 274 2280or


Category: Community Notices