Te Taonga o Taku Ngākau - Mini Conference and Thought Space Wānanga

May 10, 2019 at 1:45 PM

From the NZFVC

When: 11 - 12 June 2019.

Where: Waikato Tainui College for Research and Development, 194H Hillcrest Road, Hamilton.

Organised by Te Kotahi Research institute

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Te Taonga o Taku Ngākau investigates the ways that mātauranga Māori related to the raising of Māori children can be utilised to develop prevention and intervention tools that support tamariki and whānau. Within te reo and tikanga Māori there are indicators that tamariki (Māori children) are considered 'taonga' (treasures) with proverbial sayings such as ‘Te Taonga o Taku Ngākau’ expressing a deep veneration for children. Traditional practices of childrearing centred on concepts such as 'Matua rautia', which calls for collective responsibility, Matua (parent) and rau (hundreds) reflects the philosophy that raising a child is not an individual endeavour, but rather a job for the whole community.

Guest speakers:

  • Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan
  • Rihi Te Nana

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