TANI Regional Network Meeting

October 30, 2015 at 8:21 AM

TANI General Network Meeting

The Asian Network Inc. (TANI) cordially invite you to the regional network meeting, Wednesday 18th November.

WHEN: Wednesday, November 18th

At 10am-12pm

WHERE: Pearce St. Hall,

Onehunga Community Centre

3 Pearce Street, Onehunga



  • A round of introductions and networking from participants (tea & coffee available from 9:30am)
  • Presentation 1 & 2:  “Who are the superheroes in our community for Healthy Families?”, Kerry Allan,  Healthy Families  Manager,  Waitakere and  Annie Ualesi,  Healthy Families Manager, Manukau, Manurewa-Papakura, will  talk about  the national project of Healthy Families and invite you to share your ideas how Healthy Families NZ will work with local champions from our Asian communities.
  • Presentation 3: “Asian Patients and Communities Survey”, Lee Spies, Manager, East Health Trust, will share the extensive and comprehensive survey that was done with ethnic focus groups, doctor consultations and dentist consultations to help us to better understand health perceptions, needs and barrier to accessing health care for Asian communities.
  • Update on community news:
  • Building more Networks & connections


Asian style refreshments and drinks will be provided. Please RSVP to Helena at Helena.ong@asiannetwork.org.nz for catering purpose!

Kind Regards,



The Asian Network Inc.(TANI)

P: 09-815-2338 F:09-8152330

Mobile: 027 265 2338



Supporting and Working with all Asian communities

for their better wellbeing and life

Category: Community Notices