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TANI General Network Meeting
May 21, 2015 at 8:21 AM
Greetings from TANI,
Thank you again for your participation to the Annual Asian Forum. It was a great opportunity to explore the meaning of Women’s Health and build a good network with people of diverse professional capacities and cultural backgrond.
The Asian Network Inc. (TANI) cordially invite you to the regional network meeting to support you to be connected with those diverse members and share ideas.
General Network Meeting
When: 10:00 am – 12:00 noon, Wednesday 17 June 2015
Where: Western Springs Community Garden Hall
956 Great North Road, Western Springs, Auckland
- A round of introductions and networking from participants (tea & coffee available from 9:30am)
- Presentation 1: “ Good vibrations with the community”, Sophie Buxton, music therapist, will share how the program supprts the communty inclduing migrant groups to socialize, more interactive with other community members, engage further community activities as well as the opportunity to learn English throuhg the activity.
- Presentation 2: “Globug Story”, Jody Garret, Mercury Energy, will introduce a new service for low income householders and people with a special needs.
- Presentation 3: “Stress in school”, Jennifer Goddard, School Guidance Counsellor, Sancta Maria College, will share her findings that the status of settlement affects students and the community and institutions can play significant role for them to manage the stress.
- Update on community news: Any changes or new information from organizations, upcoming events, workshops, seminars and so on.
- Building more Networks & connections
Asian style refreshments and drinks will be provided. Please RSVP to Samuel Cho at for catering purposes!
Category: Community Notices