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TANI General Network Meeting
May 29, 2014 at 10:23 AM
When: 10:00 am – 12:00 noon, Wednesday 11 June 2014
Where: Western Springs Garden Community Hall
956 Great North Road, Western Springs
Theme: Is it all about the end?
Patients and family members’ quality life & cultural understanding of
palliative care
- A round of introductions from participants (tea & coffee available from 9:30am)
- Presentation 1: “Palliative care: services provided by Auckland and Waitemata DHB”, Stephanie Muncaster, Programme Manager, Planning, Funding and Outcomes Unit, Waitemata DHB. Stephanie will provide the overview of Palliative care services that ADHB and WDHB provides to our population.
- Presentation 2: “The hospice service is fearful or helpful?”, Maree Goh & Cathrine Chiu, Mercy Hospice Service and Trish Fleming & Tanya Suin, Hospice West Auckland, will provide a joint presentation based on their comprehensive cultural experiences with Asian clients and support the attendees to expand the understanding of quality life for a patient and their family members. The case study will also help you to explore cultural/religious issues and how to take these into consideration whilst delivering services to Asian clients.
- Update on community news: Any changes or new information from organisations, upcoming events, workshops, seminars and so on.
- Building Network & Refreshments
Asian style refreshment and drinks will be provided. Please RSVP to Samuel Cho at for catering purposes.
Category: Community Notices