Support Shakti this July for Refuge Appeal Month

July 14, 2017 at 11:35 AM


Please support Shakti this July for Refuge Appeal Month! 

Refuges in Aotearoa/New Zealand play an important role in the fight to stop family violence and to protect survivors of family violence. Many women Shakti works with would not be alive today, if they did not have a safe place to stay after deciding to leave abusive relationships or family environments. This decision for many migrant and refugee women can be much harder than the mainstream population as there are often language barriers, stigma and shame, as well as less family and social support after leaving.

Shakti has five refuges nationally, two in Auckland, one in Tauranga, one in Wellington and one in Christchurch. Our Wellington refuge currently receives no government funding. While the other refuges receive some government support, we typically support more women and children than what we are contracted to service. This leaves our refuges stretched for resources.

We have created a Give A Little page here, please support us by giving generously to support our five refuges for migrant women, youth and children escaping family violence. We would also be grateful if you could share our Give A Little page in your networks too.

The funds raised will go towards supporting the refuges most in need - Shakti Wellington Refuge and our refuge for women and children without permanent residency who do not receive government support.


Shakti Youth is also running events and competitions during July to fundraise for our refuges, read on to find out how you can support Shakti! 


Anyone who donates more than $5.00 is eligible to be in the draw to win some incredible prize packs containing items from Unity Books, Lush Cosmetics, Iko Iko and The Body Shop! Images of For more details on how to enter, check out our Facebook event here



We have 5 gift hampers up for grabs! Be sure to include your email with your donation so that we can contact you if you win! 




Shakti Youth t-shirts are available for $30.00 each and the Break Free handbook is available for $40.00 each during the month of July and all the proceeds from the sale of the t-shirts and handbooks will go towards our Refuge Appeal.

They will be available for purchase between on the 25th, 26th and 27th of July at Re O-Week at the University of Auckland where we will be sharing a stall with Campus Feminist Collective! Keep an eye out for us!

Shakti Youth t-shirts are available for $30.00 each and the Break Free handbook is available for $40.00 each during the month of July and all the proceeds from the sale of the t-shirts and handbooks will go towards our Refuge Appeal.

They will be available for purchase between on the 25th, 26th and 27th of July at Re O-Week at the University of Auckland where we will be sharing a stall with Campus Feminist Collective! Keep an eye out for us!


Campus Feminist Collective and Shakti Youth are co-hosting a film fundraiser evening at the University of Auckland on 28th July at 6pm. Ticket prices are based on a sliding scale of $5.00 - $10.00. Just make sure to specify ‘Film Fundraiser’ in the comments section when you make the payment! All event attendees will automatically go in the draw to win some Lush gift packs and the winners will receive their prizes at the event! Spaces are limited so make sure to RSVP on our Facebook event! (Our Give A Little page will be updated with the link when the event page goes live!)

Our Break Free handbook and t-shirts will also be available for purchase at this event.




Shakti Youth Network for Change (SYNC) is the zine produced by Shakti Youth. It is also the name of our project to bring together and empower young people from various Asian, African and Middle Eastern communities in Aotearoa NZ passionate about social justice and building towards a violence-free future. As our zine is an extension of this project, our zines explore issues around family violence, intergenerational cultural conflicts, racism, feminism and more.

Shakti Youth will have a stall at ZineFest on the 30th July at the Auckland Art Gallery and all the proceeds from our zines and posters will go towards Refuge Appeal Month.


Please support our ongoing campaign to Save Shakti Wellington Refuge by signing and sharing the petition here and following the campaign on Facebook here


That's all for now! Please share our poster and Give A Little page with your networks if you can and thank you so much for all your ongoing support for Shakti Youth! We hope we'll see you at our upcoming events! 



Follow the link below to donate, purchase raffle tickets and find out more about the activities happening near you!


Category: Service