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State of the Sector survey 2016
July 15, 2016 at 10:02 AM
ComVoices State of the Sector survey 2016
In 2014, ComVoices conducted its first State of the Sector Community and Voluntary Sector survey. Two years on we are repeating the survey to gain a comparison between then and now.
This survey should take you between 5 and 7 minutes to complete. It might be helpful to have your financial information handy before commencing the survey.
Results will be shared with all respondents via the ComVoices network. The summary information will be used to support messaging to politicians and the public both leading up to and following the 2017 election.
As all responses will be anonymous we cannot remove duplicate entries and ask that each organisation fills out the survey only once.
Please feel free to forward the State of the Sector 2016 survey link to your networks to enable them to take part.
Survey link:
The survey will close at 12 noon, Monday 25 July 2016.
If you have any questions regarding this survey, feel free to contact ComVoices by email at