SSPA Quick Update

September 21, 2017 at 4:16 PM

21 September 2017



Briefing the new government

An important piece of work I’m currently involved in is preparing SSPA’s briefing to the incoming government ministers, whoever they may be. It’s to tell them who we are and what we do, and the issues facing the sector that need to be addressed.

Having listened to what members had to say at our recent conference and considered the various party policies, these are the issues we think SSPA needs to put in front of the next government.

Government investment in provider capability

  • Recognition of the need to fund capability development
  • SSPA role in building capability – current and prospective roles, delivery partners
  • Better provision of information on what works

Funding for providers

  • Phasing out the contributory funding model without loss of volumes in contracts
  • Genuine negotiations over the costs of delivering services
  • Investment for providers to collect and analyse data and measure outcomes
  • Implications of the social investment approach
  • Costs of mandatory registration of social workers.

A more stable environment for providers

  • Joint work with government on provider sustainability
  • Longer-term contracts
  • More transparent and inclusive  forward planning
  • Streamlined procurement, contracting and reporting systems, with more support for providers.

A real partnership with government

  • Recognition of our advocacy role and our independence as community organisations
  • Consultation and engagement when ideas are being developed
  • Continuing co-design with Oranga Tamariki
  • Payment for our expertise when we are consulted or in working groups.

I would welcome your feedback and to know what you see as the critical issues. Please send your thoughts to me at


Brenda Pilott 

SSPA national manager


Progress report

The first progress report on the new Ministry for Vulnerable Children Oranga Tamariki since its inception on 1 April has been released as a Cabinet paper, Progress in implementing the new vulnerable children operating model.


Social Workers Day

It’s Social Workers Day on Wednesday 27 September, a day to celebrate the work of social workers and the contribution they make to people’s lives. To mark the occasion, ANZASW has produced three posters and is hosting a series of webinars. Go here to find out more.



SSPA Nelson workshop

Child-centred and Trauma-informed Practice, an SSPA workshop presented by Nicola Atwool,  associate professor at Otago University, will be in Nelson on 19 October. Go here for information and to register. This is a very popular workshop so it’s a good idea not to leave it too long before registering.


An SSPA perspective

This morning, Brenda Pilott was asked by Rachel Smalley on Newztalk ZB for a SSPA perspective on party policies related to poverty, housing and health and funding for social service providers. You can listen to the interview here (it starts at 05:40).


Talking about the community and voluntary sector

Scoop is hosting a series of interviews with party spokespeople on the community and voluntary sector: Poto Willliams for Labour; Chloe Swarbrick for Greens; Alfred Ngaro for National; and Ria Bond for NZ First. You can access the audio links here.


CPAG scorecard

Child Poverty Action Group has investigated the various party policies on Working for Families and welfare. Here is their scorecard.


Spot the difference

Tess Casey, chief executive of Inclusive New Zealand, looks at what’s different this election from previous ones, in particular the role of the media, the debate around tax, and the issue of leadership.




Social Work Practice Lead

Anglican Care Waiapu is looking for a highly experienced social worker to take on the role of Social Work Practice Lead on a short-term contract, full-time or part-time. The position includes reviewing the social work practice framework and auditing social work practice competencies. Anglican Care Waiapu provides social services to children, young people families/whanau and the elderly throughout the Hawke’s Bay, Bay of Plenty and Eastland. Go here for information and to apply. Or email Joanne Morris – Applications close on 1 October.


Contact us at if you have any items of interest or job vacancies you would like placed in our Quick Update. There is no charge for this service.


Category: Newsletters