Spotlight on Housing

October 01, 2015 at 3:26 PM

Spotlight on Housing and World Homeless Day #hiddenhomeless


Next week is Spotlight on Housing Week in Waitakere in conjunction with World Homeless Day on the 10th of October. A working group under the guidance of Housing Call 2 Action have pulled together a range of exciting initiatives to draw attention to the issue of the hidden homeless in our communities.

Check out 15 ways to get involved here

HAIKU FOR THE HIDDEN HOMELESS - Spotlight on Housing 2015 Poetry Competition

Write a HAIKU poem based on the Spotlight on Housing 2015 theme “The hidden homeless” and illustrate it with an image.
To enter: Post both the image and the poem onto the Housing Call to Action Facebook page
Tag it using the hashtag ‪#‎thehiddenhomeless and email it with your age and contact details to
Note: The image must be in JPG format ...and be less than 500kb file size.

The hidden homeless are those people living in cars, in garages, sleep-outs, couch surfing or in overcrowded homes, often with several families sharing a dwelling. Recent census data suggest there could be up to 20,000 people living in these conditions currently in Auckland.


Come join us at Tent City...


Category: Community Notices