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Sir Owen Glenn.. in question
July 03, 2013 at 10:31 AM
The Glenn Inquiry on Child abuse continues to be rattled by resignations and growing concerns surrounding the Inquiry and recent news on Sir Owen's personal connection with a decade-old criminal allegation of violence again a young woman in Hawaii. His failure to declare this piece of history at any stage has come back to haunt him, even if he had got away with a no contest plea. Sir Owen has withdrawn his application as a White Ribbon ambassador. The intense public scrutiny is fuelling calls for his withdrawl from the Glenn Inquiry think tank on Child Abuse in New Zealand, which he funds. 'Court documents show Glenn offered a plea of no contest when the case came before the courts in 2003. That means he did not contest or admit the charge. The charge was dismissed in 2004 when Sir Owen's probationary period ended. Read the news articles here