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Sexual harm service update
October 12, 2017 at 5:21 PM
*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*
The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) latest update on "sexual harm" service development provides a brief summary of progress on the national helpline, services that were out for tender, and service evaluation plans.
The national sexual harm helpline will be called “Safe to Talk.” The helpline is expected to go live on 1 December 2017.
MSD organised eight roadshows around the country where people could ask questions and talk to Homecare Medical, who will deliver the helpline. The questions and answers from the roadshows are available on the MSD website.
The tenders have closed for the Sexual Harm Crisis Support Services and Kaupapa Māori Harmful Sexual Behaviour Service for non-mandated adults. MSD has not yet announced the outcome from these tenders.
In August, the Ministry hosted a workshop with providers of support services to male survivors of sexual abuse. MSD is working with providers to develop a logic model and identifying performance measures.
MSD has contracted Malatest International to develop evaluation plans and a feasibility study for MSD funded specialist sexual violence services. The formative evaluation is a process-focussed evaluation. The summative evaluation will focus on the effectiveness of the specialist sexual violence services from the client’s perspective. The evaluations are expected to start in early 2018.
The email update also noted that MSD has renamed the updates to "Sexual Harm Service Development Update" - see also previously notified changes in terminology. The Question and Answers from the roadshow includes a brief explanation from MSD about the change.
Read the 2 October 2017 full update on the MSD website. You can also read all past updates and sign-up to receive the updates.