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Seminar: Through a Child's Lens
July 13, 2018 at 12:17 PM
When: Tuesday 31 July 2018, 12.30-1.30pm.
Where: Function Room (730-220), School of Population Health, Tāmaki Innovation Campus, 261 Morrin Rd, St Johns, Auckland.
Speaker: Donna Provoost, Director - Strategy, Rights and Advice, Office of the Children's Commissioner.
Hosted by the School of Population Health, University of Auckland in the Head of School Seminar Series 2018: Big Issues and Grand Challenges in Population Health.
Free. Places limited. RSVP required
We all want Aotearoa New Zealand to be a place where all children thrive. This presentation will consider how we are doing for our children and young people through a child's lens. It will include looking at some of the big issues for children, and what we mean by a child-centred approach. Taking a more child-centred approach to policy, decision-making and practice could be a game-changer for achieving real and lasting change for our children, their families and New Zealand society.
Donna Provoost is an economist with over twenty years' experience as a researcher, policy analyst and manager. Donna joined the Office of the Children's Commissioner in March 2012. She leads work across a range of activities to support better outcomes for New Zealand children, including providing advice on children's rights and child-centred policy, collecting and sharing the voice and views of children, making formal submissions and advocating for the best interests of children. Donna works closely with stakeholders including government, NGOs, academics and businesses.
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