Say NO to violence: a panel discussion

November 17, 2016 at 3:24 PM

Join Zonta and Auckland Libraries for a panel discussion addressing the issue of violence against women and children.

Our expert panel, chaired by Pam Corkery, will explore the reality for women and children today.

Panellists include:

  • Louise Nicholas, crusader for victims of sexual assault
  • Richie Hardcore, White Ribbon ambassador and well-known campaigner against violent assault
  • Vic Tamati, champion of the It's Not OK drive
  • Associate Professor Janet Fanslow from the School of Population Health at Auckland University who has been engaged in violence prevention research since 1989
  • Barrister Louise Reed and solicitor Alissa Bell, experienced lawyers in the Family Court.

Booking is recommended for this event. To reserve your place, please email Simonne Le Masurier.

Zonta International is a leading global organisation of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.

For more information download the flyer here.

Category: Community Notices